First grow, need a little feedback (photos and details! yay)


Well-Known Member
So I've been lurking around this board for the last month trying to learn all I can and now I'd appreciate some feedback to see how I'm doing. This is my first grow and we've had lots of issues and stressed the poor girls a lot. Actually, I'm surprised they're alive at all.

The seeds were purchased from somewhere in Amsterdam a couple of years ago and we've forgotten the strain but we do remember that it was like $80 for 12 seeds and we tried to pick high quality seed so I think they're pretty good stock but I don't know, really. I've smoked a lot of weed since then. :eyesmoke:

I started 6 seeds on April 1 under some regular fluorescent plant lights 24/7. We had some pest issues, (fungus gnats) and lost 2. Then, there was a delay in getting the flowering cabinet ready and they lived in my spare bedroom by a window for a few days until it was ready.

The cabinet was ready on June 1 and has a 150 watt HPS light on a 12/12 timer with exhaust fans (in and out) running during the light period. Temps run 70 to 90 degrees and humidity runs 20 to 45%. One plant turned hermie (probably light stress) and is now separated, so I'm down to 3. Two are growing very close to the light and we're considering topping, but we're not sure where to do it or how, or even if it's a good idea. A bigger space just isn't an option. Moving the shelf a bit lower is possible, but will be a huge pain and it would only be about 5 inches.

The only nutes we're using is some Super Bloom (10/54/10) mixed in water I get from our fish tanks every other day. (It works great with our veggies so I thought it would be good for the girls, too) The soil is my own organic mix with some blood meal, bone meal, perlite and peat moss. I've never tested it but we've never had any issues like burn or yellowing so I think it's ok.

Personally, I think they look great considering the stresses, but I also think they're stretched and are still growing. Anyone have an opinion on how they look and if we're doing things ok? Should we top and if so, where? Is there a particular time of day that is better than another, like just before the dark cycle so they have recovery time or does it matter?

I'm pretty sure this is going to be a very long flowering period, and that's ok. We're willing to wait it out. Any comments or advice would be very much appreciated. (That halogen light in the 2nd pic is never used - it gets too hot.)



Well-Known Member
lower the lights so yo plants dont stretch so much and no foil,it makes hot spots and doesnt distribute the light eveanly


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I do appreciate it. Yeah, I think they're pretty, but I realize that doesn't mean *anything*. And yeah, I do think they're very stretched after looking at everyone else's photos. I'm not sure why that is. I kept them as close to the light as I could without burning them. But the bitches just keep growing - and I don't have a clue what strain they are. I was stoned when I bought the seeds and when they arrived I just put them in a drawer where they've sat for a couple of years til I decided on a whim to grow them.

And ohhh yeah, that's tinfoil. :oops: It's my first grow and I didn't know a damn thing or bother to find anything out until we started flowering and a friend that grows stopped by. He had the same reaction: wtf tinfoil?!?! :-) I had no idea tinfoil was bad until I was told but we've been lucky and had no burn spots except for a leaf tip or two that touched the foil, nothing major so I've been lucky. The foil 'skirts' were added a couple of weeks ago because the lower leaves droop otherwise and since then, they're flowering down low too. No burning though - so again, lucky I guess. The foil will be replaced on the next grow.

I did a lot of reading on here last night and figure my best bet is LST but that's going to be difficult since they're so tall (29", 20" & 27"), but I gotta do something. They'll be reaching the HPS light soon if I don't. If the buds didn't look so nice I'd prolly scrap the whole thing and start over but now I have so much invested I figure I should see it through and learn some more before I start over on a new batch.

Anyone have advice on training them after they've gotten so tall? Or any other suggestions to get the most from what I've got? I have no problem admitting I don't know shit - which is why I haven't commented much on these boards. I'm in awe of some of these grows you all have and feel pretty silly saying nothing more than, 'wow - pretty!' so I mostly keep my mouth shut and try to learn. :)


Well-Known Member
are those lights with ballasts conected to them in the room. if so you could lose some heat by separating them.


Well-Known Member
are those lights with ballasts conected to them in the room. if so you could lose some heat by separating them.
Yeah, the light & ballast is fixed to the top of the box. Separating them sounds like a good idea! I keep the door cracked a bit during the light cycle to help with the heat. It does get rather hot even with both the fans going. Thanks for the suggestion - I think this box will have lots of changes for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
next time try turning that light into a cool tube of some kind ( have the air flow go through the light hood) way cooler. good luck


Well-Known Member
dont worry about the stretching.....its not like those plants are too tall to fill out i would get a little higher power plants are about the same height untopped and i take the top pull it over and tie it to the container i have 800 watts but only 400 on each side of closet take a look at my gallery pics i think i will get 3-5 ounces off 2 plants that i grew the same way as you.....untopped and quite a bit tall.....what are u using to feed them??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement, Kermit, I need it. :wink:

I agree about the light issue. We have a 450 watt on order but it'll take awhile to get here, part of the reason I put on the 'skirts'. Sometimes if I think about it, I prop these two dinky plant lights on the sides to give them a mini-boost but I don't think they really do anything.

As for food, while vegging we just gave them some Schultz Plant Food Plus 10-15-10. And since flowering, we're giving Schultz Bloom Plus 10-54-10. I read somewhere on here that as long as the very tips of the leaves aren't yellowing, you can feed more but I've been afraid I would burn them and they've been through a lot of stress already. Any suggestions? There are so many choices and I see so many people use different things, I don't know where to start.

And I plan on trying to start tying them down once my light cycle starts here in about an hour. Wish me luck I don't break anything! Your 'favorite photo' in your gallery looks really nice. I'll be happy to get that far!


Well-Known Member
personaly i dont like schultz, its cheep and is more a lawn and garden variety nute. i use botanicare, also stay away from miricle grow.i wouldn`t use the yellow tip idea because if there is still nutes in there not used up it will lock up the soil fast. most proper nutes do the same thing, i recomend ask at your hydro store what people in your erea are using and stay in the same brand. ( dont tell them what your growing) or tomatoe plants pretty much need the same nutes.

i just noticed the npk numbers on your plant food plus and thats not a veg nute thats flower

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
more pictures please...

stretched plants are not uncommon...

I am not sure what the probelm is.. maybe t is the strain?

The plants look healthy....

you could tie a string around the top of the plant and then tie a screw or a bolt to the end of the string... this will bend the pants over...



Well-Known Member
agreed on the strain as part of streatching ( sativa) kermit i`m not saying your wrong but you have 800 watts and karmacidal only has 150 watts. i would recomend tying them down topping at this stage is to stresful. i think your 10/54/10 needs more potasium ( k ) a 400 watt hps is only realy good for about 18 to 24 inches in depth of usefull light
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