First grow journal: Pineapple Express, SLH, Raspberry Cough, and many others...


Active Member
I´ll be updating this Journal from time to time...

Just ordered some seeds off Attitude (pick&mix):

[FONT=&quot]Dr. Grinspoon – Barney´s Farm[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Deadhead OG – Cali Connection[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mekong[/FONT][FONT=&quot] High – Dutch Passion[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2x Apollo13 x Vortex -TGA [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Grapegod – Next Generation[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2x Jack the Ripper - TGA[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2x Jilly Bean - TGA[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Qleaner - - TGA[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]LSD – Barney´s Farm[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Freebies: X-line hybrid C99, Bubblegummer, Grapefruit[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In the mean time, I have a Citral and SLH that will be harvested this week, two more SLHs, a White Widdow bagseed, royal kush x arjan´s haze #2, mango haze, pineapple express and raspberry cough at different stages of flowering. Today I will be starting to flower a few more plants...another two Royal kush x arjans haze plants, a mango x royal kush and...i dunno, we´ll see later... Maybe I´ll put up some pics later, if people seem interested...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]About my setup: 600W HPS, 2x 30 watt CFL sidelights, container sizes range from 5 to 12 liters. I grow in biosoil, maybe i´ll add stuff to it for the next grow, once the seeds get here. I use rhizotonic, terra flores and pk 13/14 from canna. Also some generic fertilizer with lots of N for vegging plants. I am not a noob, but not a veteran grower either...get about an ounce/ plant on the better-yielding ones...working on improving that...[/FONT]



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My seeds have arrived, and some have been germinated and planted. Did not take too long (10 working days) and was packaged well. My only complaint is that the free seeds were not the ones that were promised...Purple Maroc and Fast Sativa are both unstable, outdoor plants...not much use for me...And the last one, fast Neville´s...well, we´ll see about that one...maybe I´ll give it a chance when I have room in my garden.

Anyway, so far there is LSD (fem), Dr. Grinspoon (fem), Grapegod (fem) Querkle (reg), 2x Jack the Ripper (reg). Theres actually 3 of the seeds had two seedlings inside it. I managed to separate them and so far they are both still alive. Is this common? I´ve never seen it, though i´ve heard of it happening to other growers...All the seedlings look healthy. Once they sprouted I planted them directly in a 5.5 liter pot with organic soil. I am planning on topping most of them above the second node to get four colas, then training them with wire through veg and flowering.

The Mekong High seed has still not sprouted, and I´ve given up on it. It´s still in the wet tissue, just in case it still sprouts, but I´m not holding my breath...I´m germinating a Deadhead OG seed to replace the Mekong High. Kinda disappointed that it didn´t sprout; I wanted to use it in a breeding project.

The Citral and SLH have been harvested and are now curing. The Citral is less dense than last time (maybe because it was warmer this time) but the calyxes are much more swolen. It also seems to be a little more potent than last time. The smell remained the same. Yield was a little smaller than last time, but this time it was not topped. Overall, I am fairly satisfied with it, and will probably grow it again. The SLH indica pheno smells almost identical to my first SLH, but the calyxes are not as large and it is not nearly as resinous. Still a nice smoke, but I prefer the first one...too bad I don´t have clones of that one.

The Mango Haze has been harvested and is curing. Smells great! Better than either of its parents. Dense, egg shaped buds, lots of resin, and strong, happy high. The smell reminds me more of melon than mango though...can´t wait till it´s cured. haven´t weighed it yet, but it looks like about 25 grams. Could be better, but it was grown in 4 liters of soil and had nute problems in the middle of flowering... I think this plant is worth another try. Took a cutting off one of the seeded branches that are still in the growroom...hope it roots.

The bagseed White Widdow hermied on me. First time I had a hermy in my garden. Picked out the bananas with tweezers as best as i could. Been doing that every day since then. The first time there was a shit load, but now it´s manageable. Too was one of the nicest looking plants in the garden...huge stem, thick, wide leaves, big, sticky buds...

The two new SLHs are doing well. One of them has the same fantastic smell as my first SLH, and the other has the highest concentration of trichs out of all the plants i grew so far. Looking good :D

The Royal Kush X Arjan´s Haze 2 plants, Mango Kush, Raspberry Cough and Pineapple Express are all being trained with wire to keep the branches horizontal and to manage the height of the main colas. PE has the biggest buds do far. Starting to produce trichs. It is almost 4 weeks into flowering.

Today I will start flowering another Raspberry Cough and a Pineapple Express (third out of four).
The fourth Pineapple Express is being vegged out into a huge bush. It is now in a 10 liter container with organic soil/perlite/coconut fiber, and has been topped twice to make four tops. The branches are trained with wire to make the plant perfectly spherical. It is without a doubt the best looking plant I have. Thick stem, very well developed branches, very short, evenly spaced internodes, long, thin sativa leaves (the most perfect example of sativa leaves I every seen in person). Going to grow it out into a huge, wide bush, then plant it in a 15 liter container with extra mycorrhizae mixed in, and flower it right under the light. It´s gonna kick ass :D

Maybe I´ll get around to posting some pics soon...


Active Member
Found some bananas on one of my SLHs last was the one with the assload of trichs...hope the other one doesn´t hermy...its my last one, and it looks fairly promising...

The Deadhead OG sprouted today. Going to plant it later in the evening.

Topped my Amnesia x Super Silver Haze above the second node two days ago. The remaining leaves look rather yellow, but the branches have already begun to grow into tops. Got high hopes for this one...


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Small update... looked at my vegging BCN Diesel yesterday, and decided that it was just about ready to start flowering. It´s been topped recently, and is now growing two tops. The branches have developed enough to be trained with wire, which I did last night. I find that trained plants use their space more efficiently and allow more light to penetrate the canopy. I´ll start flowering it on Sunday.

Also, looks like my best Raspberry Cough plant is male. I´ll still keep it around for a bit to pollinate the Pineapple Express and maybe a couple other things, like the Diesel...

The Deadhead OG seedling broke ground yesterday. The other seedlings are doing well, though not much has changed yet. Grapegod is still ahead of everything else.


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Got some Amnesia x Indigo Flow C2 seeds from the guy at the growshop today...He wanted me to test them for him...Three are now germinating, along with the two Jilly Bean seeds I got off Attitude a few weeks ago. The other three Amnesia x IF seeds are being saved for later...maybe I´ll try them outside... Anyone know anything about that Indigo Flow?

The other plants are doing fairly well. The Pineapple Express smells great and has some decent looking buds and a cola going on...impressive for a month of flowering...the Raspberry Cough doesnt look nearly as the Claw all over it, especially the top...already bent it and moved away from the light to reduce heat stress... The Mango Kush just started flowering last week, but already has trichs growing...smells like the Mango mom...looks promising... The Diesel is going into the flowering space today. The Bubblegum Kush looks ready to flower too, but theres not enough space yet.


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The two Jilly Beans have cracked after about 12 hours. Going to plant them in 1 liter containers later tonight. The Amnesia x Indigo Flow seeds are still closed...but it hasn´t even 24 hours yet...


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One Amnesia x Indigo Flow has cracked after germinating for about 24 hours. it has been planted in 1 liter of organic soil. Jilly Beans have been planted in similar containers.

Grapegod is still ahead of the other seedlings. Almost large enough to top for four colas. Qleaner and LSD are not far behind. The rest are doing ok.

The hermy White Widow is basically ready to be harvested. Going to cut it down later this week. The last two SLHs are also coming along nicely. Yield is very unimpressive, but both look like they are gonna be some good smoke once they are cut, dried and cured. One of them (the hermy) is literally the most resinous plant i ever grew. Huge white trichs completely covering the small leaves, and partly the large fan leaves too! The first Pineapple Express has a dense cola and buds, and smells even better than the SLHs! Best smelling plant in my garden at the moment! the dense, sticky buds look promising...


Active Member
Hey ddimebag,

Sup man..You answered some questions for me bout amsterdam in PM and were both going to the amsterdam cup in 2011 (just bought our super early bird judges passes today!), and i saw your growing out bf LSD! So i decided to sub up and check it out. Im harvesting my first grow, 8 bf LSDs wednesday am. They are in the dark period now. :). It was my first grow, but i learned a lot and if you wanna ask any questions bout the LSD plant ya got, ill try to help anyway i can! :).

Out of the 10 i germed, all germed, all female, no hermis....saw bout 3 phenos...2 indicas and 1 super sativa pheno i had 3 of that grew 7 foot tall even after topping. Tho i could have lst'd better... :)

Anyhow subbed!



Active Member
Hey ddimebag,

Sup man..You answered some questions for me bout amsterdam in PM and were both going to the amsterdam cup in 2011 (just bought our super early bird judges passes today!), and i saw your growing out bf LSD! So i decided to sub up and check it out. Im harvesting my first grow, 8 bf LSDs wednesday am. They are in the dark period now. :). It was my first grow, but i learned a lot and if you wanna ask any questions bout the LSD plant ya got, ill try to help anyway i can! :).

Out of the 10 i germed, all germed, all female, no hermis....saw bout 3 phenos...2 indicas and 1 super sativa pheno i had 3 of that grew 7 foot tall even after topping. Tho i could have lst'd better... :)

Anyhow subbed!

Thanks for the info! Im hoping to get a more indica pheno, as this plant will (hopefully) be used in a breeding project. The goal is to create a strain that helps with insomnia, and some of the strains I am currently looking at for this purpose are Cannatonic, Medicine Man and LSD. Cannatonic has a very high amount of CBD (and a TCH to CBD ratio of approximately 1:1). These properties make it a good medicinal strain. Medicine Man is from what I hear the original White Rhino. Supposed to have a strong indica stone that knocks you out... LSD is there for the potency and flavor. I was very impressed with it when I smoked it in amsterdam...

I am planning on topping the LSD above the second node to get four colas, then LST it and train the branches with wire. It is now growing in 5.5 liters of organic soil+perlite and today overtook Grapegod in size; now it´s the biggest seedling in the box. It´s only two weeks old a long way to go...I´ll transplant it into a 12 liter container when it´s ready to flower.

I´m curious to see how your LSD turns out...let us know the final weight once it´s dry...maybe a smoke report?


Active Member
Update: Amnesia x Indigo Flow seeds 2 and 3 germinated and were planted in 1 liter container with organic soil. The first one broke ground yesterday.

So far all the seeds i got from Attitude have germinated, EXCEPT Mekong High. Still, pretty impressive...and one of the seeds had two seedling in it, so I guess that might make up for the Mekong High not cracking.

The LSD seedling has overtaken Grapegod, in terms of size. Has fat, indica leaves...

In order from largest to smallest (seedlings):
- Grapegod
- Qleaner
- Jack the Ripper 1
- Dr. Grinspoon
- JTR 2
- Deadhead OG
- JTR 3
- Amnesia x Indigo Flow 1

The other two Amnsia x Indogo Flow have not broken ground yet. Neither have the two Jilly Beans...

The flowering White Widow is getting cut down today. The last two SLHs are coming down this weekend. One of the Arjan´s Haze 2 x Roayl Kush plants doesn´t look so good...not sure if it´s under or overfeeding, but it seems that Arjan´s Haze 2 and all the plants that descended from it have that problem...around the third week of flowering, the fan leaves begin to curl down and get brown spots that grow and eventually kill the leaf. Haven´t been fertilizing it for at least two weeks now, probably longer, but I have yet to see improvement. The guy at the growshop said that the roots might be too cold, and since then, I´ve lifted the pots off the floor and placed them on styrofoam.

The Pineapple Express continues to look awesome! The buds and cola are getting bigger by the day. They feel very solid and resinous, and the smell is very pleasant; fresh tropical fruit with some extra kick that I can´t really describe yet. In some ways it is similar to SLH but even better, imo.
The Mango x Royal Kush plant is in its third week of flowering. It´s already starting to resemble the Mango mom...has trich growing on fan leaves already...and smells like earthy hash. I hope the smell improves during flowering and ends up being a little different than mango was...needs more freshness and sweetness, and less pungent fruity booze aroma...
The Raspberry Cough isn´t doing that good. the buds are tiny, underdeveloped and have virtually no trichs yet. It started flowering at the same time as the PE, and that one is looking awesome, so I don´t know what the deal is...
The hermy SLH hasn´t grown any new bananas... glad about that because I want to grow it again some time...the buds and small leaves are completely covered in huge white trichomes...would look totally epic if it there was more bud on it...The other SLH also looks very good. It´s been topped, so it has two colas, and both are the size of the cola from the untopped SLH2. Clearly does better with topping... besides that, it also smells very nice (sweet, fresh, lemony; resembles sweet lemon candy with a hint of Haze) and feels denser than the first two SLHs that have already been harvested.


Active Member
Sounds like you've got yourself a nice LSD indica pheno. Thats good because the sativa phenos I had (3 of them) grew fucking ginormous. THe LSDs do grow quite large, I'd train the shit outta them.

Expect that smoke report of my LSDs in about a month or so. Just chopped em this AM! :)



Active Member
White Widow has been chopped, trimmed, and is now drying. Some of the leaves had buds growing DIRECTLY on the is that even possible? At first I thought I cut a bud stem by accident, but after looking at it and a few other ones a bit closer, it´s clear that they are attached directly to the leaf stem! Here are some pics:

Amnesia x Indigo Flow 2 and 3 have broken ground. So have the two Jilly Beans. LSD and Grapegod are about the same size, and still the largest of the seedlings. They are both short with huge, wide leaves, growing their fourth nodes now...


Active Member
Small update: Harvested the last two SLHs. Yields are low, but quality is impressive, especially from SLH4, the super resinous one...after trimming it, I scraped off some scissor hash and packed it into my bubbler. I was smoking all day, so my tolerance was up and I didn´t feel that high anymore, no matter how much i smoked (currently smoking the hermy white widow, until the SLHs are dried and cured) i wouldn´t really get particularly high. I was just expecting one smooth fun tasting hit from that ball of hash...not really expecting much of a high... So I take the first hit, and it feels like I just got hit by a fucking train! After the second hit I was totally blazed...didn´t think i would even be able to finish the hash... so yeah, INCREDIBLE potency...and the smell and taste were VERY good too...can´t wait to make hash out of the trimmings!

The Pineapple Expresses are looking good. The one thats been flowering for 5 weeks hermied slightly...picked out three or four bananas over the course of last week. The buds are getting bigger and it is still very dense. The smell is still of fresh tropical fruit, but now there´s a eucalyptus smell as well. The other PE (flowering for 3 weeks) is lookign even better than the first (not the buds, but the branches and budsites). Just looks like its gonna have a massive yield...looks really bushy and has LOOOOONG, thick branches that reach almost to the top of the plant!

I took some photos of the flowering and vegging plants a couple days ago, but I´ve been busy, so no time to upload them...Maybe I´ll get around to it today or tomorrow...


Active Member
Minor update: Vegging Plants are looking great! Most of them got topped last night (above the second node, for four tops). The tops are getting cloned.
Flowering Pineapple Express 1 and Haze x Kush are coming down this week. The PE finished way sooner than i expected. It´s now 8 weeks and the trichs look done. I expected at least 9-10 weeks, with its Sativa leaves... still, can´t complain :D can´t wait to smoke it...smells great, the buds are fat and dense, and its so sticky, its got a bunch of dead flies all over it!

Flowering Raspberry Cough and Blackberry still look like crap...the other Haze x Kush looks better than the first...still has a month to go.
Started flowering Cannatonic and another Raspberry Cough today.


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The first Arjan´s Haze 2 x Royal Kush got cut and trimmed earlier this week. So did the first Pineapple Express. I am pretty impressed with that one, so I´ll do a smoke report on it, and the other two PEs.
The first Raspberry Cough got cut down too...its crap. Not even sure if its smokable...hope the other two turn out better.
The BCN Diesel has a bunch of budsites and is starting to make trichs. Already smells like grapefruit and flowers. Bubblegum Kush has budsites but no trichs yet.
The second PE is growing buds like crazy...they look bigger every day! Doesn´t smell as nice as the first one though. I pollinated a branch with some Mango Kush pollen...maybe there will be something worth keeping...
The vegging plants are looking good. Most have been topped for four colas and are being trained with wire. Still a while to go before flowering though.
The Amnesia x SSH is looking great...going to flower it in two weeks or so.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Hey couple questions about the raspberry cough. I just started flowering today and was wondering if you experienced a lot of leaf twisting or anything particular to the strain? I have four in the same dwc tote and two will have one problem while the other two will be perfectly healthy. starting to frustrate me.


Active Member
Hey couple questions about the raspberry cough. I just started flowering today and was wondering if you experienced a lot of leaf twisting or anything particular to the strain? I have four in the same dwc tote and two will have one problem while the other two will be perfectly healthy. starting to frustrate me.
So far I only harvested one Raspberry Cough. The other two have just started flowering, so I can´t comment much on those. The plant I harvested had a LOT of The Claw going on...the leaves curl downward, and soon after that, turn brown and die. I observed the same problem with Blackberry (which is a cross of RC). I don´t see anything wrong with the two new plants yet, but it´s still too early to tell. The quality and quantity of the harvested bud was laughable. No visible trichs, and about 2 grams of buds in total. I hope its not all just bad genetics, so that maybe the other two plants turn out ok.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
So far I only harvested one Raspberry Cough. The other two have just started flowering, so I can´t comment much on those. The plant I harvested had a LOT of The Claw going on...the leaves curl downward, and soon after that, turn brown and die. I observed the same problem with Blackberry (which is a cross of RC). I don´t see anything wrong with the two new plants yet, but it´s still too early to tell. The quality and quantity of the harvested bud was laughable. No visible trichs, and about 2 grams of buds in total. I hope its not all just bad genetics, so that maybe the other two plants turn out ok.
Hmm, I'm on day three of flowering and all towards the end of veg the leaves started twisting and getting some burn on the tips and middle. Figured out that it's too much Nitrogen. flushing them and hopefully that fixes it. It's weird because four plants in the same res and only two are exhibiting that problem. I would hope Nirvana stocks great genes but we will see.