First Grow Journal: 6 Sweet Afghani Delicious, 400watt hps agro


Active Member
Hello everyone!:mrgreen:

I'm living in Málaga, and I love it. The grow culture here is getting really big.


Let me start you off with a description of my set up. I´m currently building a 80 x 80 x 160cm grow tent designed for a spare bed room.

Here are some stats:
6 Sweet Afghani Delicious
80x80x160cm grow space
400watt phillips son-t agro
two fans (medium size) the guy at the grow shop said it would be enough air flow

So far, I've built the frame for the tent out of PVC. I have white plastic that i will line in with than cover it with either cardboard or wood. (I'm doing this tomorrow)

Right now:
Its been about day 4 since I planted the seeds. Tonight the last one sprouted. Ive been keeping the temp to 73 degrees.

A few questions:
1. How often should I water them when they are seedlings? I feel that the soil drys out quickly because there is not sufficient leaf coverage...

2. What would you recommend as the optimal ph level? I'm balancing it at 6.5ph.

3. How can I explain to my roommate that pulling the seedlings out of the soil (for more light) won't help them?
(Don't worry, this didn't happen)

here are some pictures of my (temporary) setup up. Tomorrow will be in the grow tent.



Active Member
Looking OK so far.

1) Keep them moist as seedlings, but once they get past the early seedling stage beware of overwatering. To get a good soak, just put your seedling pots in a large pot of ph'd water (no nutes needed at this stage), and soak them until soaked through. Then allow to drain completely.

2) Ph between 6 and 7 is fine in soil. 5.8 for hydro.

3) Kick him repeatedly in his soft fleshy parts until he stops molesting your kids.


Well-Known Member
hey green m8 you might wana move the bottom fan away from your plants abit!
you might give them wind burn:mrgreen:...

i've done it myself buddie but your fan might not be as strong as mine so just watch it incase:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont ph my water..

the main thing is to remember that your plants need oxygen...

so let the soil dry out every few days but only leave it dry for about quarter of a day then soak again and drain the excess water:blsmoke:


Active Member
Awesome. thanks people. I checked them this morning and they are doing well. Overnight it actually cooled down to around 68 f.

Is that too cold?

I also repositioned the fan pointing towards the plants. I pointed it upwards toward the light pushing the hot air up. They are sleeping right now so Ill post pictures when the light is going again.

Thanks for the replys!


Active Member
Hey everyone,:weed:

So Ive obviously been smoking a bit so I have been extremely lazy about posting. mainly because I havent ran into too many problems; yet... Ive been feeding them nutes every other day and they seem to be taking them well. At first I was worried that they might be get nut burn, but so far they've been eating it up.

I moved them into this open grow tent as you can see from the picture. Its done quite nicely so far.

Is there a point that I need to flush the soil before they might get nut locked?

They all sprouted about a month ago starting tomorrow. Im trying to do somewhat of a quick grow, mainly for apartment reasons that are beyond my control. They have been vegging for about a month.

Time to flower? I need to make sure I dont flower them to late or Im going to have a problem on my hands with moving out.

Tomorrow they are moving to bigger pots and then they should explode!!

How do they look? Anymore advise?



Well-Known Member
Hey there Greenspace, good looking grow you got there. I think you could flower now if it was necessary, but the extra week will be good for development. I usually flush my medium between vegetative and flowering cycles, and then again for 2 weeks with clean water at the conclusion of flowering. Your plants enjoy a temperature of 65-75 degrees mate, heat past 75 degrees will negatively affect some strains of cannabis, I would love my temperatures to be around 65 at night though. You're doing well, I'm subscribed if you're in need

KC :leaf:


Active Member

So I was looking at my plants earlier, and saw these little hairs growing in the meeting points between the stem and the branch.

I'm new to this: is this pre-flowering?



Well-Known Member

So I was looking at my plants earlier, and saw these little hairs growing in the meeting points between the stem and the branch.

I'm new to this: is this pre-flowering?

Those are preflowers :). Congratulations, you have the beginnings of a healthy female mate. Now you have something to look forward to for sure :blsmoke:. Best of luck with the rest

KC :leaf:

[edit: P.S. that area is called your Internode mate]


Active Member
Ok, so my roommate insisted on using plastic bowls and putting holes in them to make it cheaper. I felt uneasy about it because he only put 4 hole in the bottom. I was positive that it would'nt drain properly. But he had already transplanted them. :wall:

So, I went to water them last night and sure enough, no water came out the bottom

I knew that I had to get them out of those pots before the root structer got too comfortable. And put them in pots that alowed for proper drainage.

Luckly my roommate is out of town now so I can take control without him passive aggressively taking contlrol.

Sorry for the venting,
he doesn't really know much about growing and he thinks he is always right. its get very frustrating.

Im trying to transplant them as carefully as posible, but the roots havent taken form to the soil so it doesn't come out evenly. But I cant wait untill they do because they will either dry out and die or gett root rot.

Ive already transplanted three of them, but I decided to wait to see what yall think about it before I attempt to kill them all....

Bad situation eh? What kind of damages are we looking at here, if the root structures are jarred a little?

I cant wait to live by myself...



Active Member
So I did a little research and a few people have said that minor root breakage is not too bad. I feel like that only happened with one of the plants (The one I watered last night)

So I got a little antsy and transplanted the lot. What I did was, I slowly rotated the pot while the new soil fell into a tray. Then I transplanted the plant to the new pot. Im thinking they will be ok.

Few questions. Ill format them easy for yall.

1. After I transplant them, I should probably water them right? Without nutes. Correct?
2. The timer didnt go off today so the plants got 2 hours extra light. Bad? Ive been doing 18/6, 4pm turn on-11am turn off.


Czeck tokin

Active Member
yea females good luck with the rest, remember to det rid of any males on the spot if you dont want any seedy buds


Well-Known Member
Luckly my roommate is out of town now so I can take control without him passive aggressively taking contlrol.
Haha, believe it or not I've had similar problems, as has my best mate :finger:, haha

1. After I transplant them, I should probably water them right? Without nutes. Correct?
Yes, flush them thoroughly (until you see drainage) and resume your feeeding schedule with your next watering, the roots will be wanting nutrients.

2. The timer didnt go off today so the plants got 2 hours extra light. Bad? Ive been doing 18/6, 4pm turn on-11am turn off.
Beautiful, the plants will like the longer periods of light to get re-rooted (personally I would give 18/6 lighting after transplanting, as I usually do). You should be fine mate, the plants will Beautiful. Happy growing :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Active Member
So I added water with nutes today. The plants are looking great!

Anywho, after I watered them, I took a ph reading of the run off water. The ph was very low. almost 4. I balanced my water to be 6.5. Why is this happening? How can I correct it?



Well-Known Member
You're cleaning out the existing soil with your waterings so you won't get a good reading on that feeding until the next watering. If you check the pH before you water you will be adding the required pH, the runoff is an indication of where your soil was sitting before the feeding. So ...
How can I correct it?
you already did mate :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Active Member
that makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Also, I'm still a little confused about feeding. Should I use nuts every time I water? And only use clean water to flush? (every two weeks)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so my roommate insisted on using plastic bowls and putting holes in them to make it cheaper. I felt uneasy about it because he only put 4 hole in the bottom. I was positive that it would'nt drain properly. But he had already transplanted them. :wall:

So, I went to water them last night and sure enough, no water came out the bottom

I knew that I had to get them out of those pots before the root structer got too comfortable. And put them in pots that alowed for proper drainage.

Luckly my roommate is out of town now so I can take control without him passive aggressively taking contlrol.

Sorry for the venting,
he doesn't really know much about growing and he thinks he is always right. its get very frustrating.

Im trying to transplant them as carefully as posible, but the roots havent taken form to the soil so it doesn't come out evenly. But I cant wait untill they do because they will either dry out and die or gett root rot.

Ive already transplanted three of them, but I decided to wait to see what yall think about it before I attempt to kill them all....

Bad situation eh? What kind of damages are we looking at here, if the root structures are jarred a little?

I cant wait to live by myself...

Ouch ! Damn roomate, yeah that sucks, dont let him take control lol.

About the roots, I have found that if the soil is moist its easier to transplant. As you see the roots took the shape of bowl, so if they are wet they will tend to hold the soil together better so you can get it out of the bowl all together hopefully without any damage to the roots at all.
I have done a lot of damage to roots when transplanting before i was doing that ... and the plants seemed to recover just fine so you should be alright.