First grow, is this a female?


Well-Known Member
This is a plant from bag seed (schwag)... Just letting it grow in the woods with minimal checking up on. Looked at it today after a short rain storm and I saw white hairs forming at the internodes im guessing... when the branches meet the main stem, in between the leaves that are forming there you can see small white hairs growing. I wasn't expecting this plant to show sex yet considering it is in the woods but do I have a female? Or is it still too early to tell, just wondering... These were the best pics I could get with my phone, didn't want to take my digital camera out there...

photo 5.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Awesome pics... Well if hairs are the definitive think than I think I've got a girl. I just thought it was too early... First day of spring was yesterday...


Active Member
depending on your location its still very close to 12/12. In the NE states we are at 12hr15min daylight


Active Member
It could be a little too soon to tell, but its about 73% chance of being female. I dont see any sacks growing around any thing yet. Nice plates btw! :clap:


Well-Known Member
73%? I'll take those odds... I'm going to try and mmake it out there tomorrow with my digital slr and see if I can't get some better shots of the internodes. But there are dwfinately white hairs growing so I'm getting a wee bit excited.


Well-Known Member
MALE.....nah, j/k. male is actually the one we can rule out. its either female or a hermie that has yet to show any male flowers. i can see the hairs you are talking about when i zoom in, you are correct in thinking those are female flowers.


Well-Known Member
Here are some new pics... Just took them this morning with my Digital SLR... Looking pretty if I must say so myself =)
