First Grow Is My Plant Ready?


Well-Known Member
48 days what?

It dosnet look anywhere near ready.

You might have some brown pistils but plants will continus to generate fresh white pistils.

More details.

Is speed devil some type of auto flower?


This is just one mans opinion but ide let it go another week or two at least and really the best thing to do is take pics every 5-7 days and keep posting. IS it 48 days from seed or 48 days flowering? The bud spots seem kinda small and sparse so adding a few more weeks may allow for them to plump up a bit. Ive been told at times with my plants to wait until all the pistils start retracting into the bud so you want to see very few antennas sticking out when your ready for harvest. Heres a pic of mine at the moment and I'm going to wait at least one more week if not two.


yes speed devil is a (autoflower=af) and 48 days since sprouting using CFL lights was using 3 26watts 6500k now using 2 26 watt 2700k and 1 26 watt 6500k right now? the af been on 18/6 since the beginning of its life,


I was thinking another week, i have read a lot and i just dont want to chop early, im waiting it out, from wat i been reading and most people have said it takes 60 days for it to finish so another week or so will be right on time I will be posting pics every 5 days thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
I would give it at least another 2 weeks to swell up as much as possible.

Otherwise, if you harvest now and it dries, you wont be left w/ too much.

BTW, you can get a pocket microscpe from radioshack for like 10 bucks to check the tricomes and make sure you dont have too many that are already amber.


Well-Known Member
yea if you wait a week or two+ you'l will be much happier!! with the finish product you want nice compact nugs not airy!!:):)