First grow indoor cfl great white shark (ghs)


Active Member
First post + first grow in Australia

This will be a one plant grow done with CFL's in a 2sqft area 30inches tall (70cm)

i am about 1 week from the germination process,

waiting on seeds ordered from planet skunk 08/02/2011 Shipped! so should be here soon hopefully. GREAT WHITE SHARK FEMINIZED

I will try to give as much detail of my grow as possible cause i know it can be annoying with lack of information from growers when you try to learn from posts.

my equipment is as follows:

- 10L pot (roughly 2 gallons)
- debco organic soil
- pearlite
- blood/bone meal (blood=flowering) (bone=veg)
- timers
- extension cords
- 2 x 24w 6500k bulbs for veg = 48w (3339 lumens)
- 6 x 24w 2700k bulbs for flower = 144w (10008 lumens)
- 3 x light sockets
- 3 x y splitters
- Mylar
- epanding foam for light leaks when set up
- ph down
- odor control (not purchased yet)
- tomato cage (not purchased yet)

TOTAL COST about $150 including seeds


tap water AT 6-7 ph left to get rid of chlorine

for my first grow in such a small space i would consider it a success with an ounce dry

plan on vegging for 4 weeks (or 18cm/7") topping one week before i switch to 12/12

i plan on vegging short because of height restrictions taking into account the plant might triple at most when switched to flower.

will post pics of grow box when its done and start my journal from when my seeds germinate


Well-Known Member
kick ass brother. ive done some great grows with cfls i would go ahead and get a more wyes and rock all 8 bulbs for flower keep them close and augment them every day. have fun and keep us posted!!!! i would not veg that long though....6-12 inches tops...sorry dont know the cm


Active Member
12cm is 5 inches but i guess ill have to decide when the time comes to switch...most prob switch at 7 inches (18cm) just to be safe that it wont outgrow my box


Active Member
I wouldn't call it not successfully if you get under an ounce... My first grow which I am harvesting in 2-3 days I will probably only harvest 9-10g.


Active Member
Here are a couple pics of my future grow space its not done yet lacking mylar surrounding fans to be installed and lights to be hung post again when its done, thinking of taking the draws out completely and making a door with hinges and putting the draw fronts on it for stealth to match the one next to it


Active Member
got my seeds today 8 days to oz very happy with planet skunk give them a try, will be getting everything else i need over the weekend and starting the grow as well ill keep you posted
hi mate so you have limited height what i would do if i was you would be to put a cage of chicken wire over top of plant after topping as plant groes upwards in to the wire you spread side branches outwars this is called screen of green system or scrog it will keep alot of fowledge down allowing a nice layer of bud you also need good air flow so you will need some sort of fan and as for a filter with a confined space such as you have you can make you own filter dont be fooled they are easy to make and cost a fraction of price all you need is activated charcoal and you can make a filter to fit room hope i been of some help good luck mate hope all goes well
you hit the nail on the head that is the way to go you can even top 2c giving you 4 main heads either way it will increas yeild a good bit


Active Member
if you can exchange those 2700k bulbs for the new ge reveal at 2600k, then that would be better for flowering...
also range the ph from 5.7 to 6.3 when watering so plant gets all the nutes it needs not more of 1 and not enough of the other and air flow is important.


Active Member
fixed light leaks by replacing the front, just needs some white paint to increase stealth. won't be using Mylar anymore considering its white however might lay it on the floor to reflect up and use it to make some diy reflectors. seed is germinating i can see it split but waiting for the tail to get longer before i plant.

what do i need to do to get my soil ready for planting do i wet it till it drains then plant or plant then water? and cover with plastic wrap

few pics of my grow box


Active Member
what do i need to do to get my soil ready for planting do i wet it till it drains then plant or plant then water? and cover with plastic wrap

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
water soil then plant. make sure to at least soak the seed in papertowel or just a cup of water for 24 hours to somewhat germinate it.


Active Member
im germinating now its been a lil over 24hrs and wen i checked on it, it had split and i could see the white tail but it looked like it was stuck trying to break the seed shell and wedged between the slit... ill soak the soil till i get run off then plant the germinated seed thanks for the reply, ive also read to cover with plastic wrap to increase humidity but im a lil woried it will somewhat suffocate to death and not sprout


Well-Known Member
great white shark was one of my favorite smokes ever. good luck man, I'll be watching!
for germination/sprouting the best results I ever had were a $5 humidome and seeds in regular moist rockwool cubes under two 6500k 26watt cfls just barely above the humidome. I had 9/10 sprout in 3-4 days


Active Member
planted my germinated seed, i don't know why I'm so nervous, praying it sprouts ive put it under a 24w cfl and covered it with plastic wrap the soil it moist and the temps is 25-26 degrees (77-78.8) how often should i check on it? and in your experience how long does it take to sprout?