First Grow..How does it look? Comments please!!!


Well-Known Member
looks good, you could always use more light. cool setup though....More info would be great JR

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Thank you very much.

Cheese under a 150w hps
230-300 ppm
water temp 60-65f
temp stays high 70'sf day and low 70'sf night
45-55% humidity
using general hydro maxigrow veg nutes 10-5-14
3rd week vegging

Had a white crystal like build up at base of stems you can see in pic..think it was just salt.. i wiped it off and flushed. Do stems look ok?


Unfortunatly that looks more like white mold than salt build up, use a little bit ( 2-3 drops per gallon of 2%) of hydrogen peroxide with your waterings until it subsides or they die. also you should try to keep your temp down a bit more, i see that it's at 84 degrees in one shot, you want it mid 70's preferably, but overall looks like a good firsttime setup for a few plants. good luck and keep it organic... worth it in the end! also you probably want to raise the ppm to the 550 - 650 range if they are min the 3rd week of veg (which means the seeds were started 7 weeks ago if you started from seed) by the time you begin your flush in final flowering you ppm should be worked up to the 1800+ range, moving up in stages week by week... DO NOT forget to flush properly and for at least 10 days!!!

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Thanks for the advice..I will follow it. it was 84 in the beginning..They stretched because of it too. I adjusted that and the temp has stayed in the 70's since. Mold huh? I sure hope it doesn't take them all out :(


keep temp in the 70's and humidity down to 35-40% for 3-4 days and it wont spread, just make sure you use the Hydrogen Peroxide, and DONT OVERDO IT, another advantage to the HP it that it adds more oxygen to the water thereby oxidizing the roots better