First grow here, need some advice (pics)


Active Member
So this plant is about 2 weeks old, have it under two 27 watt cfls. So far ive been doing 24 hour lighting.. after reading all the posts on here, sounds like its better to do 18/6, so my question is.. if i just switch to 18/6 one day will the plant be fine?

Also keep seeing these fertilizers like ex.. (20-5-5) or whatever, people keep saying to use these, but where can i buy them? can i go to like home depot and find this kind of fertilizer? and what are they called because i havent seen anybody put a name on these number segments, kinda confused about that..

Final question, at this point how much longer do you think i will have to wait to find out if it is a female? most people say like 6-7 weeks, but mine has been growing kind of slowly compared to most, so wondering about what plant size rather than age can i find this out?

If anybody can answer any of these, would be greatly appreciated!!




Well-Known Member
ya the plant should be fine if u change the time tp 18/6
what kinda soil are u useing? and looks kinda dry
ok then the numbers u see about the fertalizers are :the first number is total nitrogen (N)
secound is available phosphate(P2O5) and the third numbe is soluble potash (K2O)
fertalizers are basically food for ur plants or another word nutes
there are all dif kinds of ferts some has more certain stuff then others and some stuff might not even be in there its ur choise.these ferts help ur plant thrive and come out better and produce more.and ya u could go to home depo or rockeys or walmart alot of places.but if the plant is still youg like still only a couple of weeks old dont give it nutes yet let it mature a little bit more.and for finding out if a male or female,ull have to wait cuase it all up to u how long do u want to keep ur plant in vegging another words growing taller and geting more leafs ,nodes aka bud sites.cuase u could keep vegging for a long while but when u dont want to veg anymore u could put ur plant into do this change the light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12 this is how many hours ur lights are on and off .and when ur in the flowering process it could take 9 to 10 weeks for the buds to come in and finishbut when u start flowering it could take like a week or 2 to find out if male or female.and depending how much u veg it if u veg longer it would show up what sex it is .


Well-Known Member
I'll answer ur last question 1st and vice versa...

It is more age than size with preflowers and that depends on the strain, if its bagseed then IDK anywhere between 6-10 weeks of veg.... size will get there with age and the right lighting etc. should be around 12" at that time maybe a lil bigger or smaller. And like Clowdy said you can put them into flower you will just get less yeild than if you let them sex on their own 1st... I dont like the idea of force flowering before they are mature myself.

as far as the nutes... do a lil more reading, the numbers represent the things all plants need to live and while the everyday mix of them can be found at your local home center the best place to get them is at your local garden center, nursery, or hydro shop because these places will have fertalizers geared more toward horticulturists than ppl at home with house plants....
The numbers you see everyone referring to represent the fertalizers NPK in that order
1. Nitrogen is the first major element responsible for the vegetative growth of plants above ground. With a good supply, plants grow sturdily and mature rapidly, with rich, dark green foliage.
2. Phosphorus phosphorus is essential for healthy growth, strong roots, fruit and flower development, and greater resistance to disease.
3. Potassium potassium oxide is essential for the development of strong plants. It helps plants to resist diseases, protects them from the cold and protects during dry weather by preventing excessive water loss.

That is a little more indepth but lets you know exactly what the numbers are talking about... to break it down further:

Starting a plant you want more N and P

During late stages of vegging into flowering you want more P and K less N
N should never really be that high and more focus should be put on P,K it seems to be what MJ uses more of and likes...
My breakdown is 2-15-15 liquid concentration chemical (should always specify or look for wether they are using liquid or powder, chemical or organic there is a big difference in values)

as for 24-0 and 18/4 dont even worry about that they will be fine... I dont like 24-0 myself cause they dont get that in nature and thats what we are trying to do here is recreate nature for them... plants werent made to be grown and flower inside so we are in fact tricking them... the better we can do that the better they thank us. I like to give em time to rest and do whatever the hell it is they do when they rest....


Well-Known Member
lmao... Hijack Biatch my response... nah we were actually both posting at the same time.... kinda bored waitin on ppl to go to sleep so I can check my babies.


Active Member
Wow thanx a lot guys.. i noticed you said the soil was a bit dry?
I normally water once a day, just a little with a spray bottle (filtered water)
Maybe i dont use enough water? if thats true should i water every other day maybe and just use a lot more water?


Well-Known Member
lol u trying to make me look less indetail
im first baby
stop trying to take all the threads lol
i know ill meet ya in more lol
i dont go to sleep atleast not for a while :0)~


Well-Known Member
u should water ur soil with more then just a spray bottle
ur really not going to penitrate the soil with just a spray bottle
when ur soil looks dry put ur finger in it like a inch down and if that aint moist water it


Active Member
Ya it was pretty dry.. damn ive been watering with that thing for two weeks haha..
think i have the basics for now.. ill wait a bit for those fertlizers, and ill put them on 18/6 now
thx for the help!


Well-Known Member
moisten soil by filling about 1/4 to 1/2 pot with water then let settle if it still isnt draining a couple drops out of the bottom then and a little more water....look at the drain holes to see if that soil is still dry if it is then it needs a lil more a few drops should pass through the drain holes though. Then yes wiat until the surface of your soil is looking like it does now b4 u re water.

Ok Clowdy now that he knows how to water u can have the post back :joint: lol