First grow help, Heavy storm/Pests

Hey guys, this is my first grow and like most i'm experiencing some problems. These plants were started inside from bagseed as more or less of an experiment, they were kept under two 40 watt CFL's for about a week then moved outside to strengthen up since I can't afford or hide a indoor grow. I'm experiencing a few problems at the moment aswell as trying to prepare for some in the future since I would like to finish this crop and am hoping you guys can help.


1. All of the plants were planted at the same time(just turned 2 weeks today), There are 7 young plants that are growing ok(you will see 6) The rest pretty much look like the other picture you will see of a small almost sprout looking plant.(20 in total each in individual jiffy starter cups) I was wondering why only a few are growing decent and the rest are pretty much shit. I blame alot of it on the seeds since they came from some pretty crappy weed, I notice little things like fan leaves not forming properly on both sides, or one only had 1 true leaf instead of a set of 2 when it sprouted. I don't know if this is normal or just little problems due to bad genetics.

The bigger plants were kind of an experiment for soils, all others are pure jungle growth organic potting soil, the 7 that are doing ok are a 50/50 mix of that and miracle grow moister control(yes I know horrible miracle grow, they will be moved to fox farm during final transplant.) I wanted to see how they would react to the small amounts of fertilizer in miracle grow soil so I transplanted them at 1 week to see how they would react, once moved outside they seemed to handle it fine, only 1 plant has a very minor fert burn on the very ends of 2 leaves but other than that it is perfectly healthy.

2. This is probably the biggest problem I am facing atm, yesterday we had a horrible storm to come through the rain was like bullets and the wind was crazy, It blew the 6 big seedlings off my deck and semi tossed them out of there pots. They were still covered in dirt and not ripped from there roots(im sure more than a few were damaged but still plenty left and still rooted.) So I scooped them back up and repotted them, trying my best now to damage anymore of there root system. That was yesterday and as of today as you can see in the pics they seem to be doing ok, still producing new leaf growth and starting to thicken up. But it rained almost all day so the soil was drenched and still is, I'm worried the roots will rot if it doesnt warm up soon(around 65-69 F, down from the high 80's since storm.) Does root rot come from 1 bad overwatering or more than 1? I don't know what to do to dry the soil without damaging them.

3. And lastly I stay in the southern U.S so budworms/cutworms are a pest here. I'm going to buy some BT to use, but was just curious if budworms are really so common a thing for NA growers or just a unfortunate pest to come across? Also is it ok to start spraying it on them now to help prevent the moths from laying eggs cause everyone says BT kills them after they've hatched and if there still inside the bud when they do then doesn't that mean your gonna be smoking bud with lots of dead larvae/crap in it? Since I only have about 10 plants that show promise of making it to adult hood I want to try and eliminate as much threat of losing females as possible since im sure i'll have to kill a good bit of males or hermies.

Sorry for the lenghty post and the topics since I'm sure these are commonly asked things, but I did alot of reading before and took all the measures people said, put up with 85 degree temps in my room, had a small fan blow on them, didnt overwater, put up reflective walls, kept light close(almost touching) but still they seem way to small and stretched especially for being outside and am just at my wits end at what I can do since this is a stealth grow(father thinks they are tomatoe plants lol)


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