First Grow, Hawaiian Snow :D


Active Member
Finally the time has come! I've read a stupid amount of growing journels and i now feel its time to give something back :D

Ok so yeh, first things first, Im awaiting for all my shizz to be sent to my house so i thought id ease you guys into it with the list of everything important i shall be using:

200watt Envirolite Blue (Veg)
200watt Envirolite Red (Budz)
Guano Kalong Complete Mix Soil (anyone know if this is good??)
BioBizz Grow
BioBizz Bloom
5 Feminised Hawaiian Snow seeds from greenhouse seed company

May add some 20w CFL's for supplementary lighting but im only growing 2 plants for now as of limited space and would rather concentrate on getting 2 right for my first grow.

So any thoughts on that for now?

I'll keep this thing updated with pictures etc soon



Well-Known Member
Here's something one of my friends told me; :-P


I have five growing. I don't know if they were the feminized pack, but all five germinated.

I presoaked them in water somewhere warm on the 18th.

Because my hydro gear hasn't arrived (damm you christmas! :fire:) I've had to drop them into some soil / verm and run them two foot under a 50w halogen bulb to keep them happy for now. 17 days later, they're now an average of 18cm and have just started producing the third set of leaves and some with 3 blades on. No branching yet.

When they started growing, they absolutely flew upwards - so quickly they they began falling over and have needed a wire support to help keep them up - bury the seeds deep or support the stems.

Hydro will be under a 1kW HPS 1m^2 tent with drip irrigation.

I decided to get scientific on my grow log and have been measuring the plants each day - just from the soil to the point where the last two leaves split from the stem at the top. The results so far look like this;

I will also be measuring things like blades per leaf, nodes and branches. The averaging over 5 plants means you get quite consistent results. And having the graph makes it easy to see were the plants have gone through changes (there's a big one on mine so far), so I thought it'd be useful to see as thing like hydro come along how the rates change with no guesswork involved.