First grow - good or bad?


So I followed the advice to put the seeds in paper towel and make it wet for a couple of days. Unfortunately I had a couple of very busy days and left it probably 4 days. I checked today, and not only had a white stalk come out of one of the seeds, it had completely broken free of the seed and grown out the top as well to about 3-4 inches with two tiny leaves at one end. Does that bode well for its growth or is it bad?

I very carefully put it in wet soil with the leaf looking bit at the top and it is currently under roof high fluoro lights until I can buy some lamps tomorrow...

The other seed hasn't done anything, so I just put it in a pot and we shall see what happens in a week or two.


The one that sprouted won't keep growing now that its in soil and light? Keep in mind the seeds were in dark so I am surprised it grew as far as it did, especially without nutrients. I guess there is no harm in letting it go for a few days, but yeh I didn't think it was a particularly good sign..


Well-Known Member
If you cant check on some seeds at least once a day your not going to have a sucessful grow.

Those seeds sound wasted to me. unlucky
YOur probably fine just plant the one thats all the way out and the rest just put in your pot now stop using the paper towel to germ. If the temp is not warm enough you will never pop the seeds on the paper towel and they will get moldy. Just lay the seed on top of the soil and get spray bottle to wet it down good. Dont let it get buried yet because you want to be able to see it pop. What i do is wet it good 2-3 times a day and set the pot or cup in my grow room indirectly under the lights so its getting the warmth in the room withuot being directly under them. in 2-3 days if its warm in there the seed will pop, remember when spraying you can let it get buried enough to see it still and take a toothpick after 3 days and CAREFULLY move it to see if it popped and just needs help going the right way. Take your toothpick and poke the hole and point the tap root into the hole and let it now push its way up. Once you see green start moving into the light. The most important part is the warmth and moisture, you can even soak the seed in water for 24 hours to wet it good and then do my method. Mistake is to bury the seed out of your site and blindly water. also if its not clear after you spray the seed dont let it just lay there, you want to barely push dirt up the the sides that will pop (the seam) and kind of unbury it when you spray next. point being after spraying you do need to cover the sides at least to keep them moist. I used to do the paper towel but its such a waste of time


Well-Known Member
they grow very well in the dark and dont need light until you see green. My trick is not to allow them direct light because it does happen faster in total dark but hard to keep warm in the dark and heat drys the soil to fast so just play around with it and you will see how simple it becomes, if they are yellow or white be gentle with the lighting at first until they get some green in them, they will take off they are fine


Well-Known Member
The one that sprouted won't keep growing now that its in soil and light? Keep in mind the seeds were in dark so I am surprised it grew as far as it did, especially without nutrients. I guess there is no harm in letting it go for a few days, but yeh I didn't think it was a particularly good sign..
The seedling spends a lot of time at first establishing a root system, and you can't see that growth. Unless the thing is yellowing and withering up, leave it be - it's growing! Also - do not give it nutes, until it's about three weeks old - earlier only if you notice a deficiency.
You are going to have to check on your grow more often than every four days if you plan on being successful, though.


Well-Known Member
I agree with DoeEyed and Super, you'll be fine. The person that said those seeds are wasted is dead wrong. The one for sure is obviously growing so it is not wasted. The other(s) may be late bloomers, or excessive moisture, or dryness if you just left them for 4 days, may have killed them, but you should still give it a few more days to see what happens. Marijuana is a very resilient plant and can survive a myriad of problems. My guess is they'll be fine and growing in a few days, and the one that is growing is obviously already on it's way.