First Grow Goin!


Active Member
ok since this is the CFL section this is where i should be... ok ive got 4 purp clones in my closet about 2 and a half weeks in the plants r about 10 inches high and the leaves r alread turnin violet!!!... i have 3 300 watt CFLs about 5 inches from the top of the plants... and i jus added 2 blue spectrum 120 watt spotgro growlights... about 2-3 feet from the top of the plants... i got 3 fans... 2 blowing in fresh air and one exhausting... ive got dynagro soil... and this blue powder miracle gro nutirents... high in nitro phosphorus and potassium... sum leaves have yellow tips and yellow spots... i think it may be nute burn from foliar feeding with that miraclegro stuff with the lights on... and i think i may be puttin too many nutrients... i used 1/4 tablespoon of the powder in 1 gallon of water... and i water the plants with that mix every other watering... any tips or anythin i should change??? or ya im gettin alot of lower growth... should i trim those new leaves?? or trim the old big leaves??? i dont know how to trim and what i am doing if i trim so someone please give me a quick tutorial thanx!!! oh ya should i get differnt nutes??? for growth and flowering?? or jus stick to whut i got??? oh ya WHERE DA HELL CAN U FIND MYLAR!?!?!?! i cant find it anywhere... whut can i substitute??? please tell me whut u think of my plants...