first grow, germination start


hello, first time posting here although i have lurked on these forums for quite some time :D

basically i have just started my first indoor grow and I pot planted my seeds with 4/5 germinating.

Q1, as far as ight on the seedlings, they have just broken their shell and i currently have a 125w eco light on them, shud i have them in complete darkness or constant light for th start? im hazy on this as i have gotten conflicint information from 2 diffrent sources.

Q2, they have just broken thru heir seed casing, do i cover them over with a small layer of soil?

Q3, how much light should they be recieving from now ?

sorry for sounding like a complete newbie, i have done alot of research but i missed some glaring basics !!


Active Member
well , to be honest lol , ive never herd of doing it that way , but i can tell you the way i do it :P , i just put my seeds in a damp paper towel , then i get a zip-lock bag put the damp folded paper towel inside of it then i blow the bag up with air and then close it , then i put it in a dark place somewhere in my room and then a day or 2 later the seeds crack and begin to grow a little white tale , then at that point , i put the seedlings in little cubes of wet rockwhool , and if you dont have rockwhool then just put it in soil but dont dig it sraight down just put it like half an inch on the surface of the soil but make sure the tale of the seedling is faceing down , dont want your plant to try an grow upside down :P , and just give it some light , and water when the soil starts to dry an you should be good to go! hope that helped


Well-Known Member
I do soil and my method differs a little. Here I go:

1. wet paper towel on the bottom, then seeds, then another wet paper towel on top. I put this on a plate with an INVERTED plate of same size on top to keep moisture in, but allow some airflow.

2. The second I see even a tiny tail, it goes in the soil. I dig down maybe a few centimeters and put the seed in, tail down and cover with just a touch of soil.

3. As soon as the baby pops up, under the light. 24/0 or 18/6.. however you want to rock. Some believe in the 24/0 forcing female.

That's it, really.