First grow, first set of leaves showing ... ?

Hey guys im concerned that my first set of leaves is giving me a sign im doing something wrong. The leaf tips turned gray / white. All new growth seems just fine. I just added nutrients at half strength a few days ago trying to help, because based on the self diagnosis thread, it sounds like potassium defeciency?? Also they were all transferred from soil 5-10 days ago, and have shown some growth since. But the gray tips happened soon after. (by the second day)

Blackstar lighthouse hydro 240w flowering LED,4 5600k 23w cfls
Canna Aqua Vega A & B (nothing else except superthrive very occasionally)
10-15 days old
temps 64-88F
humidity 16-32%
water 15 minutes every hour and once at night

Thanks again guys, this forum has helped me alot. I diddnt realize this would be such an awesome hobby.


yeah probs nute burn mate ur supposed to start on like 1/4 strength...but i think ur seedling wouldnt take that either...try flushing the pot and leave it a few days before watering/feeding

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's hard to see the pod leaves in the first two pics and in the last one's their a little too yellow to see well. Check those tiny podbuster leaves. Nutrient burn would have hit them first. If they have the same problem and even worse, it's nutrient burn. If they're fine, the problem is likely Phosphorus deficiency, primarily due to root growth w/o sufficient P.
Thank you for the responses!

The first two leaves on one of the plants were so bad I thought about cutting them off. Light brown/dark brown ... Burns is what it looked like. So I can see that.

I just threw another two liters of water in the res. I can just dilute what I have in there right ?

Also, the new growth looks fine to me, do you have to wait for the leaves to mature to spot signs of nute burn or is it something you can tell right away in new growth?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The plant should be a little further along for its age. Work on developing the root system by allowing for a little more time between waterings.The extra air in the cube will do them good.

Definitely a nutrient issue though.