First Grow.. First Post.. N00b Questions


Active Member
Hey Guys (and Girls?)

I'm new to this site, but as a seasoned smoker... I'm getting read!y for my 1st grow.. thanks in advance for comments and any help!

I got some seeds a bit ago and i am going to build a little inconspicuous box for them. I've decided to start with one for now just to test the waters.

I am constructing my box using a rubber maid style bin.. but of unusual dimensions its a rectangle box that is 12 inches deep x 24 inches tall and 19 inches wide will this be good for a single indoor plant?

also .. I'm going to make a filter with carbon and pvc with fans on either side.. will that be enough to get the smell out.. my mom tends to come home 1 or 2 nights a week from her boyfriends.. so i don't want her to be able to smell it.. how potent is the smell really..

And lastly I'm growing in my attic.. so the house has eves that have mesh to the outside.. will people outside smell the plant if i exhaust there..




Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. You are probably going to have to convince us you are over 18 before you will get much of a response. VV


Well-Known Member
the number one way people get caught is by venting hot air outside

helicopters and even cop cars these days can see high temp output from lights, especially from an attic

a mature female plant really really stinks

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
A coupla thoughts...

attic? how hot does it get in there? Put a thermometer up there mid-afternoon today and get a real reading... I'm guessing it'll be WAYYY to hot bro.

yer tub will work for a single plant...but if you only grow one and it is a male..yer back to square one... just a thought.

Not to get too personal..but why not just tell yer mom? If yer 23..yer old enough to take the heat if something happens...and if you only have one plant..nothing is gonna happen anyway. Tell her you'll lock your room/closet...etc and forget the attic. yer gonna waste yer time...

ya didn't mention light...VERY important.. whatcha gonna use?

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
the number one way people get caught is by venting hot air outside

helicopters and even cop cars these days can see high temp output from lights, especially from an attic

a mature female plant really really stinks

so what are your suggestions on this.. esp bc i live close to an airport lol .. i have lots of planes and heles


Just some idiot
I see your from the NE US so am I, where abouts? I would reccomend getting a bigger box. Once the plant starts growing 24 inches is tight real tight.


Active Member
A coupla thoughts...

attic? how hot does it get in there? Put a thermometer up there mid-afternoon today and get a real reading... I'm guessing it'll be WAYYY to hot bro.

yer tub will work for a single plant...but if you only grow one and it is a male..yer back to square one... just a thought.

Not to get too personal..but why not just tell yer mom? If yer 23..yer old enough to take the heat if something happens...and if you only have one plant..nothing is gonna happen anyway. Tell her you'll lock your room/closet...etc and forget the attic. yer gonna waste yer time...

ya didn't mention light...VERY important.. whatcha gonna use?

good luck

bt dt

it gets hot as shit up there.. but in a week they are installing a special fan that turns on @100 degrees and sucks all the hot air out.. without this fan.. its probably 110-120 up there right now.. i could put it in my room.. but I'm worried about the smell .. i live in a 2 family house.. so i don't want smells to travel.

Lighting: I'm using the compact florescent i have a bunch of them around the house because its all we use here.. so that worked out

I'm going to take pics of all the equipment in a hour or less and ill post it all up

--So lets talk more about his bedroom theory. I have a few spots in my room i can fit it.. closet and such and a long as do some sort of carbon filter.. the smell shouldn't be too bad.. and any time i open it i can Ozium the apartment.. but my room is always like 65 degrees isn't that just as bad as the extreme heat in my attic?

Thanks for the help so far guys.. look forward to more as i build and grow! This site is very knowledgeable



Active Member
I see your from the NE US so am I, where abouts? I would reccomend getting a bigger box. Once the plant starts growing 24 inches is tight real tight.
really .. is there a way to flower it early so its just a small plant... or is 24 inches even too small for a smaller plant.. i mean i don't want a tree growing in the corner of my room .. lol just a hefty personal stash lol i guess i might have to get something a little bigger.. just don't want to raise submission.


Well-Known Member
I've got the closet door open all day long while the lights are on and I can't smell a thing in here... the little fan in the closet helps to circulate the odor and disperse it. If I close the door and have the fan off overnight, it gets kinda stank in there, but not outside of the closet.

Maybe you should go ahead and just wait until you really have a problem before worrying about this.


Active Member
I've got the closet door open all day long while the lights are on and I can't smell a thing in here... the little fan in the closet helps to circulate the odor and disperse it. If I close the door and have the fan off overnight, it gets kinda stank in there, but not outside of the closet.

Maybe you should go ahead and just wait until you really have a problem before worrying about this.

ok sounds good thanks for the advise..

On to the other questions.. is like 65 too cold.. if it is i guess i can keep it a lil warmer in my room .. I'd just have to know soon.. so i can get mentally prepared for not freezing every night under my blankets.. i love that...

But sorry for Ranting.. i have my own A/C in my room so it should be fine...


Active Member
p.s. they are Dr. Atomic Northern Lights seeds..

I figured.. not too expensive yet still a nice blend for my 1st grow.. your thoughts


Active Member
i know a matey who got busted with 20 or so plants. a chopper went over at night and noticed the heat with their cameras. made a note of it and he was busted in a matter of days


Active Member
does anyone know or have experience with envirolites? i am starting a lowryder cross grow, lowsnow. as they are small and autoflowering i will probably use one 200w envirolite to grow four of these babys at a time.

think this setup will be ok in a small closet? maybe 2ft by 2ft and 5ft tall.



Active Member
Heres some pics

Pic 1- Fan Controller and Temp sensor monitor
Pic 2 - pc Fans
Pic 3 - Bulbs
Pic 4 - Light Bulb Socket
Pic 5 - my Box

now i know some of you said the dimensions of this box were a little small .. but I'm going to use it and see what happens.. if i need a bigger box.. ill make one.. but for now.. you think this is a good starter setup?

