First grow "Fast Version Fail"


New Member
So this fast version is on week 11 of flower. My first indoor grow. The trichs seem to never change?! I don't know package says 6 week flower cycle yet here I am at week 11 - week 12 Monday. Am I just a confused noob or are these still not done ?


Looks to me that they’re not ready yet. Don’t believe the package I seen a lot of growers who grow past the time it says on the package. Different growing conditions are big factors to consider. I’d say just keep checking the trichs biweekly


Well-Known Member
Your grow ( environment / skill / lights ) will dictate end result. The High nitrogen use also shows ( shiny leaf / claw ) , excess affects flower formation also.


Well-Known Member
What lights do you have it under? A lot of lower powered Amazon leds will lead to a very long flower period. Don't worry they'll get there eventually, it's good you are willing to wait for them.