First Grow Ever


Active Member
I am getting ready to work on my first grow ever, it's gonna be an outdoor gorilla grow with some really mean bag seeds in one area and just some random bag seeds in another area. I live in the Eastern US in the carolina mountain region I was just wondering what date I should start planting, I already planted once and the seeds germinated but im assuming the cold killed them off since the weather has been on the wierd side. such as 72 during the day and 30's at night. so I really would like a stable date of when to plant so I wont have this problem, I was thinking the first of April but was also worried bout those unpredictable nights where the temp does drop real low, any help would be amazing!


Active Member
so how many more wk's do you think it will be before spring really kicks in, I mean technically it is spring. So would you say like 2 to 3 more weeks?


Active Member
I am in The United States the Carolina Mountains to be exact, it's starting to hit spring but still have to worry about cold at night killing seedlings outside. so would you say a week or two more before I start planting so they will live instead of dieing in the cold?


Well-Known Member
I am in The United States the Carolina Mountains to be exact, it's starting to hit spring but still have to worry about cold at night killing seedlings outside. so would you say a week or two more before I start planting so they will live instead of dieing in the cold?
Yeah, and I would start them indoors now. that way they aren't so appealing to all that wildlife in your area.


Active Member
well luckily I dont have to worry about the wild life that much considering where I am growing is like between 2 roads that scare most of the big animals away im gonna also use plenty of pest deterents as well as maybe some barbed wire to keep the deer out if any decide to come by!


Active Member
I think I might start on an in door grow as well a nice small one with some CFL's I mean a small yield but hey it will be fun I got a ton of seeds numbering in the 100's haha maybe more might as well see what I can get to come out of hiding!


Active Member
I would have to say the middle of April and like the others i might suggest starting them indoors but if that can't be done you should be just fine with outdoors. My friend is going to start in a couple weeks probably the first week of april but it is just risky with the weather and every day the weather gets better so wait a bit but not to long so you can get large harvests. good luck dude!


Active Member
any suggestions on organic or home made pest control? for the outdoor, I think I got the indoor under wraps.


Active Member
yea im in the eastern va area and im familiar with the weather in the mountains, i would say mid april at the soonest. i am about to start my first guerill grow as well and plant to start may 1st but i am gettin them ready indoor. good luck


Active Member
thanks man and yea south VA's weather since I have experience there as well is a little worse than in Western NC so im gonna assume that eastern VA isnt much different, I put a few out for a test run to see if they would eventually start growing but it's lookin like that was a bad idea so im probably gonna wate around until mid april to get back to work


Active Member
just germed 2 out of 4 in 24 hours had them in water with super thrive and that stuff made them germ real quick, so I planted one in a pot outside and one in a cup inside what should I expect in the next week??


Active Member
Well by the end of the first week the seed leaves will come up and followed by the first true leaves. You might even seen the first 3 set leaves starting.