First Grow(CFL's)-{Grow Box}-from clones


Hello all :clap:, so ive just recently began my first grow and let me tell you, its fuckin awesomeeeee. Anyways let me tell you a bit about the set up.

I lined a cardboard box with mylar then for an exhaust fan i used my friends old xbox360 fan(RRoD took it), and am currently using 3 26w CFL's. You can kind of see the set up in some of the 8th day pictures, and right here...

(its also better sealed to stop light from escaping most of the time)

As for the goodies, i picked up a few clones from a local dispensary; Mr. Nice Guy and Afghanica. Both of them came with roots and took pretty well to the set up. I have them in 8" pots with some FFOF soil and have already began the LST process. I let them settle in for a couple days but then started out and they just kept going :hello:

Alright so to get everyone caught up here we go...

I picked up the clones on 1/18 and i believe the Mr. NG was cloned on 12/20 and the other on 12/24 so its a little behind but its all good :)

ive been keeping up with the pictures so heres the process of it all so far...(ps and sorry all i have is a camera phone for right now)

---Mr. Nice Guy(tall & skinny) is on the left and the Afghanica(bushmaster) is on the right---

First day:

2nd day:

3rd Day:

So on the 5th day i decided to give them a little water....that was a mistake ha. They got a little Droopy and on the Mr. Nice Guy she started to develop some yellow spots on one of the leaves, everything has basically recovered except that so if someone knows whats going on with this i would love to hear :D. There is a close up of it on the top part of the 3rd image from this day.

6th Day:

8th day:

9th Day:

Here's a quick update from the past couple days, they are both definitely getting bigger which i cant complain about :hello:

11th Day:

I raised the Afghanica Up a couple of dvd's because it is only getting on 26w cfl and because it is so damn leafy i dont think its getting the right amount of light.... was this a good idea?

13th Day:

I do have a couple quick questions though....

First, on the Mr. nice guy (tall and skinny one), there are alot of droopy leaves towards the bottom but the ones at the top are nice and perky, o and the ones on the bushier one also look to be maybe shriveling a bit could that be to little water, maybe to much? anyways should i be worried about that?

And my next question might even be related to the first, i keep hearing about having the humidity at like 50% but currently mine is only at 20% so could this be the reason they might be lookin a little funky? And if so what would be the best way to fix it for as cheap as possible??

O and lastly, about how much should i be watering them at this point??

Any advice would be awesomeeeee :D
Anyways im lovin this new hobby of mine and just want to keep learning so if anyone has any tips or tricks or words of advice i would loveeeee to hear it.

ill keep updating in later posts....NOW LET THE JOURNEY COMMENCE!!! o and happy smoking :smoking: