First Grow CFL Closet


I've been reading posts here for a few weeks and had alot of my newbie questions answered without having to post. Before my question here's what i got going...

2' deep 5' wide 8' high closet
2' deep 4 1/2' wide 5' high Gotham Hydro tent
15-26w, 6500k, 1710 lumens running 18/6
2 6" 240cfm in line fans (intake/exhaust) both of which are run to the attic thru a crawl space in the closet. The intake is sucking fresh air thru a vent i put in the soffit.
Temps avg 75-82. I also have a 10" walmart fan in the room (dont know the cfm)
Soil is what i had in the garage a mixture of MG Organic, MG Moisture control and vermiculite (water when needed avg. about every 4 days/ 1/2 strength MG plant food every other week)
3 plants (bag seed) bad photos below (I'll post new photos when i have something besides this old cell phone camera)


Starting on the left.....1.) 5 wks. old 14" high 5-gal pot. no pruning. very healthy 2.) 5 wks. 12" high 3.5-gal pot. Cut 2 sets of bottom fan leaves at freinds suggestion
(bad move seems to have stunted growth). 3.) 8 wks. old 21" high 5-gal pot. no pruning. very healthy.

My question is i have 2 plants 5 wks and one 8 wks should i wait 3 weeks let the smaller ones grow and move all three to 12/12 at the same time or go ahead and switch to 12/12 now. I'm concerned about the height of the 21" plant. Also, how long in 12/12 I've seen some people suggest 70 days.

One other question... should i leave the front of the grow tent open when the lights are on or zip it up the temps stay about the same either way

Thanks in advance for the help.