First grow!! (Building Process)


This is my first time growing and ive soaked up all the imformation my head can handle from this website. (its extremely helpful!!). My first grow box is in construction the box part has already been built and im working on a door and a movable light system right now. The Box is 3ft tall 1ft wide and 1ft deep, it will have a Computer fan at the bottom for intake and one on the top to blow out the hot air. I plan to use 4 CFL for all the grow stages and the box is very stealth. Neither of my parents know about it. i have a few seedlings starting to sprout in my pc growbox so i would like to move them as soon as possible. Any feedback would be great. Also i will be posting pics as soon as my camera Charges ;-)


I wont have to worry about my parents they both know i smoke and are completey fine with it. Also i plan on telling them after the plant has started flowering. And the smell i will make a carbon filter later on when i get some more $$. Also im trying to get pics up but im having a little trouble with it lol.


:lol:Ok im and attempting to attach pics to this post hopefully it works i need to drill tons of holes still, the fans need holes and i need to put holes all over the light platform so the air can pass by it.


Got the Door on and the holes drilled for one of the fans i took a picture of that fan running off a 9v but it doesnt look like its moving in the picture but it is. And after i get the other fan in both of them will be running off a PSU. I also ran some Foam weather Strip along the sides of the door so no light will leak out



Tomorrow i am making a trip to Home Depot and possibly Lowes. I need to get better hinges for my door and 4 CFL's does anyone know what combination of CFL's would be best for my plant. right now its just barely popping its head out.


Well-Known Member
your gonna need some 6700 k cool white cfls. those are best for veg. then switch to 2700 k warm white for flower. both are found at either of those stores. the minimum wattage you want to go with is the 23 watt bulbs, they will say that they equal 100 watts on them. (the 23 watt part is really all that matters). good luck man


Well-Known Member
Got the Door on and the holes drilled for one of the fans i took a picture of that fan running off a 9v but it doesnt look like its moving in the picture but it is. And after i get the other fan in both of them will be running off a PSU. I also ran some Foam weather Strip along the sides of the door so no light will leak out
go to youtube type in.. grow box 1/18... dis guys grow box kinda ke yours but bigger shows his grow start to finish.. its pretty impressive


hahaha that funny b/c thats actually where i got the idea for my box from i watched all his videos and im hoping mine turns out like his minus the part where his plant gets sick =)


Ok just got back from the store i got a thermometer/hydrometer/clock thing and i couldnt find the 6700k Soft white CFL the guy said they only came in tubes so i got the closest one i could find the Daylight CFL 5500k 14watt, that should work right? finishing up my box now i will post pics when im done.


2 out of the three plants look good the third one's leaves are sort of curving upwards and im not sure what that means. I water them every 1 or 2 days depending how dry their soil looks. Any help would be great thanks



Active Member
I dont see any intake on the box. You really need one at the bottom of it to keep air circulating. probably why its in the 80s. Unless im blind and just cant see one.

Btw, i saw the 2 people dancing hahaha. it took me a while to understand it funny stuff


Well-Known Member
looks pretty impressive for a stealth grow.. kind of hard not to miss tho... hope your parents are cool with it.. would suck to have sunk that much time into it to scrap it...

did you get the intake and exhaust put in yet or do you still have to get that done?? thats one of the most important things... good air circulation.. the plants need plenty of co2 to breath and use the co2 in the air around them very quickly... so exchanging air as much as possible is important.. also will the intake fan be enough to blow your plants around a little?? this will help them build stronger stems...

last piece of advice i would give is to try to put a couple CFLs down towards the bottom of the box... for additional lighting from underneath the plant... reason being is once you fill in the box with a canopy the bottoms of the plants wont recieve much if any light.. if you can put some lighting underneath it will benefit you.. just a thought/suggestion...

looks good... ill stick around and watch things progress..


There is intake in the box i have holes drilled all around the bottom so air can be pulled in and i have another small Computer fan blowing on them but im thinking about attaching it to the box so i blow air from outside inside right now its just perched up on a box inside of it. ill post pictures in a little.


I have holes drilled around the bottom of the box as you can see in one of the pictures and i have a fan that is inside against a wall blowing on the plants. Also you said lighting around the side could help, i have 2 28" Fluorescent plant and aquarium lights that i could attatch to the sides or the back but the thing that stopped me from doing that before is they are a pinkish purple color. Im not sure what the Spectrum is the box doesnt say. i get paid today so i could make a trip to the store to get a 2 different light bulbs for thyem if needed.
if youre going to home depot or lowes they may not have the 6700k. i know my local ones didnt, but they do have the 6500k natural daylight CFLs which have worked wonderful for me