First grow Any advice


I am currently germinating 3 speed devil af seeds and one UFO white widow x Big Bud but this is my first grow, will be a closet grow, under LED lights any help will be appreciated on this strain


my girl is about 13 inches tall and is in a 2.5 gallon bucket...shes going through flowering
had to keep it small


Well-Known Member
I've just finished 3 strains of sweet poison (photo), speed devil2, and fast bud....all three are in the kick your ass catagory...very good night-time smoke.....Several friends reported the speed devil was the most potent they've smoked in years......I have to make sure there's nothing important to do when I break open the cure jar for a bud of any of the sweet seeds strains......I grew mine in 4" pots under 12/12 with bio-bizz nutes. Got 1/2 oz dry off SD / fast oz off the GP....Sweet Seeds has become a strain I'll grow again.....


hey teven im trying to let my girls grow to there full potential, and reefer thats not bad at all 1/2 oz dry and wat kinda light was they under


i dont know a whole lot about lights but in my grow room i use... only 2 23 watt cfl for vegging..... and 3 23 watt cfl for flowering.....each grow room are in big plasic drum barrels....i have no job at the moment so i am very poor so i have to keep everything as CHEAP as i can at the moment... also i have to keep my plants fairly small by doing that i just keep the light fairly close during vegging... i use no nutrients at all... but in my experience of growing... using the amount of lights i have and no nutes works well... my plant is budding all over and is absolutely beautiful.......if you want to get your plant as big as you can get it pull the light farther wawy during the vegging stage... your plant will stretch all the way to the light..... hopefully i answered you question in all this rambling lol...


Active Member
First time advice:

1. Use good soil. I recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I flush with water 2 times the container size before adding the seedling because it's a little "hot" on the fertilizer. Then I don't use any nutes until 2 weeks have passed.

2. Get a good nutrient lineup. I use all the Fox Farm line, supplements and all.

3. Start off with 1/4 strength nutes, then go to 1/2, then 3/4. I don't even get to full strength until flowering.

4. Important: Only use nutes, every other watering.

5. Watch your pH levels, both watering and runoff after watering. Needs to be around 6.8. This was my biggest problem as a newbie. I let it get down to the high 5's and it caused lot's of problems.

6. Don't over water.

7. Don't under water.

There's more, but I didn't want to write a book right now.:bigjoint:


bad news had a emergency and only one autoflower was planted root kinda tore updates soon, have been growing a bagseed for three weeks pics up tell me wat yall think about her or wat kinda plant yall think she is?:wall:



you need more light, a cheap way to go would be to buy a couple of clamp lamps from home depot and go to amazon and look for: "4 way socket adapter" which will allow you to plug 4 cfls into one lamp.. all together around $40 for to lamps, 2- 4way socket adapts and 8 27w cfls (full spectrum / daylight) for vege. get the lights as close as possible...


thanks i was looking at her earlier and i really want to say i see a couple of pistols but i have a questions wen should i move her into a bigger pot