First Grow and my sprout has yellow tips... Roughly 3 days old

Okay this is my first grow and been reading and studying like crazy on grows and kinda ran into a speed bump:wall:
My Issue: I Planted Germinated seeds 2 days ago (idk what strain) in Miracle Grow seed starter using distilled water only and they've been growing pretty quick and one plant have yellow tips (the rounded leaves) and would like to know what it could be, the other plant is doing good in terms of colorness. I Have not used any foods or anything.
Quick run down setup:
Starting out in a Small speaker box (28"H x 12"W x 16"D)
and plan on moving them in to something practical, but as for now thats where there at with a Nightly Temp of 75-79F and a Day Temp of 77-82F no more or less and humidity of a 38-42%.
Using 2 CFL 5000k about 3 inches from plants
Good circulating air flow

So any comments would much be appreciated



Well-Known Member
Hi there, most of the problems when germinating is because over-watering the plant and I see that in the picture the soil is quite wet, maybe you are over-watering ?

Also I think that humidity should be around 50-60% when germinating but not sure about this. If somebody could say a word about it...


Active Member
hey man do not water at all until the soil is dry and crusty on the top
then water the plant until it comes out the bottom holes
and leave it ...
keep doing the same cycle to avoid any other problems
thts how it shoudl be done anyway