First Grow advice needed throughout grow :)


Well-Known Member
Hello RUI community,

So this is my first grow so I'm very new to this. I have been interested in making a small grow journal so I'm going to post one even though I'm a few weeks into my grow. I had another thread in the "noob" section, but I've decided to move an update it here. Suggestions that I could use to improve my grow under my circumstances, would be highly appreciated! Atm I don't have the ideal set up, as I'm currently in construction of my new grow room and fridge grow box.(Friend who has his own grow room is guiding and helping me). I probably did the most stupid thing and I just jumped in and started "trying" to grow a couple plants. In the last few weeks I have been trying to learn the basics as I guess you guys would call it. I should also add that I'm going away in 4 weeks for around 2 months not to sure if I will have the time to finish my grow room projects, my brother will try and take care of the plants as he has a friend that grows a few that will help him out. Also I live in Australia so this makes it hard for easy access to preferred soils,nutes ect.. As it's illegal here -.-.
So a bit of info on these 2 little ones is:

1xRoyal Queen-Quick one-(Auto) (Fem

1xBomb seed THC (Auto) (Fem) (BOB-THC-FA)

Germinated both seeds in glass of water, I think this took around 48hours until germinated.

Tomato Florida Basket - germinated seed placed in the provided container with the medium.(Mr.Fothergills) is the brand.

Bomb germinated seed was placed in tomato kit on the 8/1/15, on the 19/1/15 I transplanted the plant into a larger pot. Not sure what size it is measured in gallons, but you might be able to tell from plant photos.

The soil I used is not great and I know it's not recommended but I couldn't find anything at my local hardware or nursery without slow release nutes! Would of flushing the soil a couple of times help get rid of the nutes :/?
Anyway soil is osmocote premium.
Comments welcomed thank you :D


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Well-Known Member
Bit embarrassed to show you my setup atm, but here it is.
Obviously this is not ideal, just one of my silly moments haha.
I keep good air flow as well and temp stays around 26 degrees Celsius or 78f. Humidity stays around 50%-60% :/.

Light I'm using atm:

Now for a couple photos of the plants :).
Bomb thc.
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Started germination on the 6/1/15

Royal queen:
Started germination on the 12/11/15.

All comments, advice and suggestions are very much appreciated! Thank you all :D

El Cunado

Looking good. Hey compared to mine yours looks much more organized lol. I'm running CFLs so I'm focusing on brightness .

As for flushing the soil, I've never heard of anyone doing it just for a nonideal soil brand. My suggestion is, your plants are used to it, don't change it now.

Good luck with going away for two months. I guess this thread will kind of stop?


Well-Known Member
Today's photos/update.

Everything seems to be going okay I think. Over the weekend we got a really hot day and I happened to be out and the plants got a little heat stressed. Also I have 2 spots on 2 different leaves that look like nute burn to me, can someone confirm this is nute burn, if not what is it?
But apart from that I think they look reasonably healthy :/

Today's photos.
Bomb THC
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Royal queen
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Well-Known Member
Looking good. Hey compared to mine yours looks much more organized lol. I'm running CFLs so I'm focusing on brightness .

As for flushing the soil, I've never heard of anyone doing it just for a nonideal soil brand. My suggestion is, your plants are used to it, don't change it now.

Good luck with going away for two months. I guess this thread will kind of stop?
Thank you for such quick feedback! Haha thank you.
I flushed the soil over a couple of days to try and flush the slow release nutes out I'm not sure if this is good or bad but things still look okay to me :). Unfortunately I guess the thread will stop unless I can convince my brother or friend to update it for me while im over seas! Although I will constantly keep this thread posted while I am still here. I'm also going to ask my brother or my friend if they could update thread while I'm away :).


Well-Known Member
Not a bad set up for a 1st small grow. Jus keep in mind they will get biger an might fill up that whole space.. an have you thought about flower light? It can be done with the blue/white t5s but they will thrive better with some hps or red/orange lighting. Look up some flower t5 bulbs if your not wanting to buy hps. That an do some research on Ph water levels an meters. Thatll help u get to the next level of growing..

Jus friendly advice no judgment... happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Not a bad set up for a 1st small grow. Jus keep in mind they will get biger an might fill up that whole space.. an have you thought about flower light? It can be done with the blue/white t5s but they will thrive better with some hps or red/orange lighting. Look up some flower t5 bulbs if your not wanting to buy hps. That an do some research on Ph water levels an meters. Thatll help u get to the next level of growing..

Jus friendly advice no judgment... happy growing!
Yeah I realise that :) hopefully they will be moved soon into a better grow environment. I'm looking at buying another CFL for flowering, 2700k I have heard is the one I'd be after, orange/reddish spectrum?
Also need to grab a pH metre this week! Thankyou ragieboyyy for your feedback :)!


Well-Known Member
I got bored this afternoon and decided I wanted to try lst so I have started lst. Just hoping this works and that I don't stress my plants to much. I used metal coat hangers, cut and twisted them then staked them into my medium. Here are a couple photos.
Royal queen:
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Bomb THC:
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Do you guys think this will be okay for my plants?


Well-Known Member
There's no need to really spray them. Unless for bugs or foliar feeding.. spraying with lights on can cause burn.. the water drops act as little magnifying glasses an will cause burn.. jus an fyi. An ive never done a lst before. But I don't think what u did will cause stress tho.. but be patient an let er grow :)) happy farmin


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far and the flushing of the soil does help to remove some of the nutes..that was a good thing. Safe travels my man !


Well-Known Member
Looks a little early on the royal queen. Should be OK though
I actually removed Lst materials from the royal queen as I'm thinking of not training this one just to get an idea of how it goes with no training :).

There's no need to really spray them. Unless for bugs or foliar feeding.. spraying with lights on can cause burn.. the water drops act as little magnifying glasses an will cause burn.. jus an fyi. An ive never done a lst before. But I don't think what u did will cause stress tho.. but be patient an let er grow :)) happy farmin
Oh I've heard that before and it makes sense, would you suggest that is what's happening in this photo or would you call this nute burn?

Looks good so far and the flushing of the soil does help to remove some of the nutes..that was a good thing. Safe travels my man !
Oh great that's good to know! Will continue to flush my soil until I find a soil with no slow release nutes here in Australia. :)

Thank you for the feedback and answers guys! Very much appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
This is the bomb THC plant I started Lst on, I removed coat hangers as I was using and used ribbon I just found this easy.
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This was done last night and photo was taken this morning :).


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the constant questions, I'm just about to buy a CFL light for flowering and want to make sure this one should work. It's just a basic and cheap one, I think when I'm back from over seas I'll invest in some HID lights for my actual grow room. Here is the eBay link if you don't mind checking it out.

If you for some reason can't access that here are a couple photos. Thank you in advance for all your help! :)
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Well-Known Member
I have one of those set ups to keep my moms growing (CFL veg bulb).. when i 1st got it i got it to slow down my mom growth cause they were groing fast an getting huge under my 1000watt mh.. an gota say man they grow fast still under them CFL setups.. I dunno how theyll do with flower but the veg is vigorous for sure.. an i think the leafe burn is from yes spraying.. nute burn usally starts from the tip of the leaf


Well-Known Member
I have one of those set ups to keep my moms growing (CFL veg bulb).. when i 1st got it i got it to slow down my mom growth cause they were groing fast an getting huge under my 1000watt mh.. an gota say man they grow fast still under them CFL setups.. I dunno how theyll do with flower but the veg is vigorous for sure.. an i think the leafe burn is from yes spraying.. nute burn usally starts from the tip of the leaf
Yeah I'm actually quite surprised how quick they grow, damn I'd like to see how fast and well they do under HID MH lights! Yeah I have stopped misting now, I've been told so many times not to and I continue to do it-.- , definitely stopped now though :). That sounds right, I've actually only ever seen nute burn start from tips of leaves in photos. I will update thread early next week when I get my new equipment :).
Thanks once again ragieboyyy for your feedback!! It helps so much! Thankyou :peace::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Update: hello guys I woke up this morning and found slight change of growth of the top. Now I know it's very hard to see the nodes in my photos but would this plant be in very early signs of flowering? Feel so stupid asking this question..:oops: Thanks again guys!
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Yeah not sure if you would be able to tell. I'm hoping it hasn't started flowering :/.