First grow 6 seeds


Active Member
Swim is currently germinating 6 seeds, 5 piff/haze and 1 random. These seeds were from a freind but need some practice. I hope they were not baked in the process of some idiot trying to make quick money by drying weed. so i have set up a perfect spot to start out.
- a 3x3x8 volume closet in my bathroom just for this first plant/plants
-i know my dad has a construction light with a high powered halogen bulb i have to check that out so maybe i dont have to spend money on an expensive HPS bulb setup, etc.
-If the process is quite easy and exciting. I plan on setting up a hydroponic system right on my bathtub making a simple 2x4 frame construction seperating the two sections with black tarp. growing/flowering sections.
- I mean im just growing for personal use and i figured bathroom would be a safe spot cuz im in the basement, cool comfortable air in the bathroom with a working vent so i guess all i need is a fan to circulate the air while my vent isnt on. And ive done research on watering, fertalizing, and lighting to an extent that i can produce a nice looking crop until i run into problems or changing my setup would not require to much work since i believe lighting is the most expensive part and im sure i have one of the best lighting sources available for free.


Active Member
so update i finally potted 4 successfully germinated seeds and 4 iffy seeds.

For now im just using a single 42 watt helical flourcent bulb. It puts out 2700 lumens. Until I see something puncture the soil I will switch to 2 bulbs. Im also germinating more seeds and im going to try them under my 24" flurescent fixtures. Its all just experimental.

Any feed back is appreciated on what you veterans think :) 0519081259.jpg


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first day under the lamp since 1:00 PM and turned off from 5 to 10 (figured i can make this my sundown stage) and it is now 1:31 am no longer than 12 hours and my healthiest seed that germinated penetrated through the ground already im using a steady height so i dont burn and having a fan blow on low near my site to keep things cool. Im assuming the soil i bought is great for the plant and its being nurtured well. I think im going to switch over to 2 bulbs producing 5200 lumens and properly reflecting the light from all angles making sure i dont produce any burn though. I most likely will be repotting within a week depending on how fast my plants grow, it is cramped in those ceramic pots but i didnt think the grow rate was that quick. Next post will be near repotting.CIMG1145.jpg


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0526082248.jpg Update on my grow room. I went away for the weekend with the plants to New York State and i got some seeds of hydro or w.e and I decided to start the germination while i was up there so i started the germ about thurday night and i planted on saturday night and these are results from sunday morning till tonight on monday 11:30 PM.downsized_0526082306.jpg the big one is my injured plant that seemed to sprout in the ground she seems to be growing faster than my other one now. This one is my first sprout that i had from my first pictures 0526082312.jpgI still have to figure out which one is the sour and which one is the piff and the tiny ones are hydro they are simple plants to identify soon enough i hope:confused:. The site seems successful as of now. Tomorro i will be purchasing Miracle grow African Violet food/fertilizer for the plants(half strength ofcoarse) until i can make myself a perfect mix of soil and food and better lighting for the more mature plants. downsized_0526082324.jpg and these are some gadgets i decided to treat myself with from the local home depot in New York(digital temp and humidity reader) Standard (temp/humid) and ofcoarse my timer (18/6) :) So im just going to be evolving my grow room as time goes on until i find myself the perfect set up i can use as constant. Next step im going for the hydro setup with the clones :razz: feel free to post recomendations. My plants seem to be healthy as of now just eager for them to grow.


Active Member
So im gonna call this day 16. Basically im left with 3 pots and 5 plants. 3 believed to be hydro, 1 haze, and 1 desiel so idk maybe ill get lucky with the deisel. but these guys are growing pretty quick. Each pot is under a 45watt cfl bulb equivilant to 150watts each putting out 2700 lumens. so together putting about 8100 lumens and once in a while i turn on the sunshine flourescnet tube puts out like 800 lumens. so here are my updated pics :) i have 1 fan constantly running because my temp is always hanging 87.5 ish with it on and once my temp went to 95 for an hour last week so i just leave it on. I also use Miracle Grow African Violet Liquid food plant.

-PS i gave away 2 dro plants to a guy he will be using tomato plant food and see what the difference it. I would have to many plants for me to sustain my electrical bill. And no room and more error for pollination and stuff.. here are the pics side and top view. CIMG1237.jpg




