First grow 3weeks pics


This is my grow box its 4' tall, 2' thick, 2' wide. There is a pc fan at the top for an exhaust fan and another pc fan near the bottom for intake. Im using 1 45watt CFL, and 1 42watt CFL. the first 2 leaves that popped were both yellow which concerned me, but all the leaves after that were nice and green. The temps are at 75F when lights are off, and are 80-85F when on. Ive been using tomato miracle grow since the start its 18-18-21, but i use very small amounts in my water, alot less then said to use on the package. I use about 2.50mLs of miracle grow per 455mLs of water(is this to much?) and i only water with miracle grow water every other time i water, which is about every 4 days. Im at about 3weeks now, here is sort of a grow juarnal from day 1 to now. sorry the camera is sort of off from the plant, the camera is setup inside the small room, and it is not really movable. The yellowing with brown tips on the lower leaves are getting sort of bad but not really. if im doing anything wrong please tell me. How does it look?

