First grow, 2 months into flowering


Active Member
Hi, got my first plant almosts 2 months into flower now, grown under cfl's and i'm wondering if it's almost done? I thought it was almost done a week or 2 ago so i stopped giving it food and just carried on with plain water but more white hairs keep coming so i just leave it for longer.

i'll take some more pics if anyone wants to see some, this is the tip of the top bud anyway, some of the leaves around the top are getting these redish spots/patches near the centre, and some of the tips are going black like they have been burnt. Thanks for having a look.



Well-Known Member
one pic?
hard to tell. from blury leaves in the background, it looks like a predominately sativa strain, so it may take up to 12 weeks. it does look as though it has some filling out to do, though.


Well-Known Member
your leaves are taking their stored nutrients and sending them budward! DONT WORRY IN A FEW WEEKS YOU WILL HAVE COMPLETELY YELLOW LEAVES DONT FREAK! your buds are just dankin up