First go at rdwc, first problem!


Active Member
So I've started a diy rdwc, one green galato and one blue galato41 both feminised photoperiod, 3 weeks old, under SF4000, 5×5 homebox ambient tent, feeding megacrop, as you can see I've got rust looking spots that's appeared after 3rd water change, EC-1.2/ PH 5.8, my own thoughts is that my EC might be too high as I was running an EC of 0.7 first two res solutions. Any input very much appreciated.Screenshot_2022-03-22-20-39-03-213_com.macrovideo.v380pro.jpgIMG_20220322_193645.jpgIMG_20220322_193648.jpgIMG_20220322_193642.jpgIMG_20220322_193634.jpg
I gotta run but i'll be back later...

Better to make less sudden changes.

From .7 to .8 is more like it. Increments of 0.1

Is that your current parameters of 1.2/5.8, or was that your starting point?

Is the megacrop 1 or 2 part? If 2 part (same as jacks right?) are you mixing in the correct sequence?

Have you kept a log of EC/PH through out the grow so far?
Hey thanks for the reply, 1.2/5.8PH is my current parameters, first Res solution was 0.4/5.5PH , my second Res change solution I upped the EC to 0.7, i went online and found an EC table of where the optimum range should be regarding the different stages of growth, using that I set the latest solution to an EC of 1.2, I haven't kept a log of EC/PH so far but I can tell you that the PH dose rise and the EC falls, I use plant magic pure clean as a PH down which works rather well and keeps the Res and pumps free from gunk, I have my Res outside the tent and the temperature is about 15 c, tent temp around about 18 c, megacrop is the 1 part, the plants are still pretty small as you can see but the roots are off the scale, I've also toped both plants already.
Gotcha. Around 1.0 should be fine all throughout veg IMO.

I don't really go higher myself, and grow monsters. Later, when they are bigger, as big as you want, you would just have to replenish the res more often, not feed higher just because they are larger.

Then I would up it to 1.2 during or after the stretch, depending on other circumstances. I never go over 1.3-1.4\700 or so ppm even in the bulk of flower, but i'm one the guys that prefer to feed just what they ask for and nothing more. Usually less, because I like the end results.

I can't vouch for 1 part megacrop in DWC. I don't remember hearing good things though.. 2 part is probably OK, and likely has added PH buffers and already stable without any drops. I've done full runs with nothing but scummy flora nova bloom 1 part, and had good results.

As for the magic clean, I haven't used it either. It does say to shake the bottle well, and use between .5-1 ml per liter. You're not going over that amount to compensate for the PH with it are you?

It kind of sounds like you are combating the dirty megacrop 1 part with a cleaning product, and its not reacting well together.. Didn't they have problems or stop making that stuff? That's whats going through my mind anyway..
The Res solution is actually very clear so far, no smell at all, altogether my system holds around 100ltrs and I'm changing the solution every 7 days, maybe around day 3 or 4 I'll use about 4 or 5ml of the magic clean to bring my PH back down, so not much at all, I'm also using rain water from a 500 ltr butt that I have outside, I got the megacrop as an all in one feed and it has worked great on the soil grows I've done in the past, you'll see another plant in my tent, that's Northern lights in Coco, also megacrop only, I don't know much more about megacrop, I know there is another product from them that you can use in flower, thinking about using that when the time comes for the flowering stage, I'm going to do a Res change and go back to 0.7 and see how I go.
Again thanks for the input, nice looking plant, I am hoping that I've just over done the megacrop feed, I'll be dialing it back down to .7 and hope to see better results.
I would run straight ph water for a day then feed at .5. they're gonna take time to recover.
Would the rain water require any cal/mag with the mega crop one part? I honestly have no clue about using rain water or much about nutrients so I’m asking out of curiosity in case I ever use rain water when I make my move off grid.
From what I just read the rainwater would differ in various geographical locations.
So, I don't know!
I'm sure there will be people on here better to ask that question to, my take on it is that rain water has less ppms so I can put slightly more nutes into the solution, I'm around 060ppms for my rain water and my tap water is around 220ppms, also there's stuff in tap water that the plants might not appreciate as much, although I've heard of folk using it no problem, about the Cal/mag, you might be onto something regarding this, no doubt someone might have a better idea on this.
I'm sure there will be people on here better to ask that question to, my take on it is that rain water has less ppms so I can put slightly more nutes into the solution, I'm around 060ppms for my rain water and my tap water is around 220ppms, also there's stuff in tap water that the plants might not appreciate as much, although I've heard of folk using it no problem, about the Cal/mag, you might be onto something regarding this, no doubt someone might have a better idea on this.
I'm lucky, my well water is 6.2 ph 38 ppm.
Rainwater can also be host to all kinds of organisms\chemicals... I used some straight in a pinch once and caught root rot with the quickness. Figured it would be Ok because it was clear and ice cold to start with, as if nothing could live like that in the bucket outside.
My roots are very healthy looking so far, I've used rain water on my soil grows and it's been fine, obviously hydro maybe different, the magic clean stuff I use for pH down should help fight any pathogens/organisms, the chemicals not so much, I'd like to try hydroguard if I can get my hands on it as I've heard it's good for root problem.
I’ve been mixing spring water with my tap because my tap is 330ppm and the spring water is 45ppm and it keeps my ph stable but I still add a little cal/mag since I’m not sure what is in the 330ppm tap but I also run sterile with bleach so it kills all the bad stuff. Seems to be working good for past few months I’ve been using it.
What type of bleach and how much per litre would you say you use?
You can use household bleach but make sure it’s just straight bleach un scented and no more than 5ppm in extreme cases. I try to run 3ppm of free Clorine use this link. For the dosage. I have too use triple what this calculator suggest to achieve the 3ppm so if you use the bleach you may want to invest in a meter to test for free clorine or the strips. The link above works as well or you can get a hypocloris acid machine for about 80 bucks and make all you want with water and salt.
If you would like to try beneficial bacteria instead get southern ag garden friendly fungicide it’s same as hydro guard at 100 times more concentrated and far less coin. 1ml will treat up too 10gal of nutrient solution.

I found a hypocloris acid machine for $30 but be aware the shelf life of the hypocloris acid is very short so it needs to be added often and same goes for the bleach it will need to be added every few days.

best of luck and hope you get it straightened out
Sorry forgot to add the link of the generator I found for $30
