First female!!

Believe it or not, it took me four tries to get only one female. Anyways, I allowed her to Veg. for 38 days. Its been about 12 days now since inducig flowering (12/12) and she has many pistils all over.

Main question. I have read over and over, that when inducing flowering I should or would see substantial growth within the first 3 weeks of flower. She was about Eleven Inch when she went to the flowering cycle. She is currently only 13 inches but her main stem is covered in new growth. very short but dense plant. Could this be normal or is she stressed?

Guess I feel as if she isnt stretching for light which is good, but with it having nodes spaced less than half an inch apart will that effect bud growth?

Also, I have to say she has only recently started adding the little height gain that she does have.

She is grown in Soil. Ph is 6.5-6.7 and currently getting bloom nutes.

Any comments ot concers to help me out with my first Female?