First Ever Grow


Active Member
I was off sick from work for ages and thought i'd germinate a seed fromm a cupla dozen i've had stashed. Was just usin natural sunlight for the best part of a month b4 i could afford to get me some 6500k cfls(budget is tight) Vehhed for a while till she was maybe 5-6 inches then got 5 clip on bayonet lamp holders and i'm afraid only 20 watt 2700k soft whites then changed to 12/12.......Nothin happened for like 3 weeks but then tiny flowers started to appear and now the lady is about 3 feet tall. Question 1-i just added a 300 watt beast cfl as well as the 5 20 watters will this make a difference or will the poor start in life result in poor yield? 2nd question is....i just removed a bunch of the oldest fan leaves b4 i got the big bulb will this do anythin except stress the plant a little bit? I only took em off as they were obstructin light from buds. And last but not least(total dumb ass question here)my seed came from a mixed bag i know every strain is different but in general how long is the flowering cycle? It's my first grow....soil/perlite,(miracle gro so not addin extra nuts) I'' get somr decent shots when she's not sleepin and put them up tomorrow.........ANY feedback/help will always be met with a hearty thanks. peace,love&harmony people!;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry mate but when using CFL's your plants shouldn't go over 18", so don't expect much yield but try to learn as much as you can.


Well-Known Member
What you should know is getting light to a fan leaf is more important then getting light to a bud. Took me a while to get that.
Think of it in regards to size, a fan leaf has much more surface area for photosynthesis. buds have small sun leaf that a lot of times is a single blade.

By removing those fan leaves you have slowed down the growth until she can produce more sun leaves.


Active Member
:eyesmoke:Hey masp yeah i read that too much height isn't good with cfl's there wasn't much i could do about it........unknown strain and it basically went unruly and feral on my ass. Although the much maligned(in some forums anyway)eco-bud 9u 300watt has got amazin penetration for a cfl(regrettin that pruning sesh's not like i don't have an A in higher biology or know all about photosynthesis i'm just a bit of a fud! Oh yeah my room is 4ft by 2ft wide and about 5 feet high. It's got a lot of mylar on the walls and what isn't mylar is good ole tinfoil!
@cruzer again a total newbie qustion but will it grow fan leafs again? i left a few but nearer the bottom of the plant like i say i'll post a cupla pics tomorrow when i get up......bout 8-10 hours dependin on the stone-over and i'll try my best to get good shots with my measly 5meg olympus. Although the macro is quite good on it. Huge thanks to those who responded and i hope to keep in touch and catch some tips from guys like yourselves. oh yeah how many 6500k 25watt bulbs would you reccomend for vegging?And how long would you veg for? kinda wann get a system goin where one plant is gettin harvested and the next one is flowerin just in time for when i run out. Here's a link to the 300 watt bulb i have and again all crit is appreeesh Again thanks for takin the time to give me pointers......just so fed up of the prices in this country or worse shit soap bar!!!!!!! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Ha! that bulb is a monster. Dude, thats probably the best thing you could have got for your plant. Flowering with floros gives you more trichomes.
About the fan leaf, na, I dont think it will grow more large fan leaf but it will grow some smaller leaf around the buds. Little story, My bud grew for the first time this summer. He was told to remove the fan leaf so he did. ALL of them! We are talking about about a dozen plants outdoors in his yard that were about 4 feet tall. Well when I saw what he did I told him the same thing but there was nothning we could do about it. So, I went back in a few weeks and he had these beautifully long colas, like 3 feet long. Covered in little sun leaves. After abiut a month he harvested and I got a sample, Not very potent, average smoke. But hell, we all gotta learn sometime. In your case though, you are going to flower with floros. I think you will be alright.


Active Member
Thanks cruzer101,i gotta admit that when it was on the screen in front of me about the leaves all i could think was "aaaaahhhh you fanny" but you've helped ease my fears a bit.....first grow,gonna stick to 1 plant grows the now but am defo gettin a 1.2x1.2m mylar lined tent wen funds allow. Whats your opinion on usin the cfls for vegging? Was lookin at a 150 watt one but not sure. Plus to nute or not to nute......i know miracle grow has time release but would you recommend any blooming solution? Also i know indicas are as a general rule quite short and bushy.....any suggestions for a nice strain i can keep from gettin unruly? Again canna sat this enough but thanks. I'll get some better quality pics up when the light goes on in a cupla hours. And again tip of the cap to your set up.....mines a proper ghetto grow....yours is slick as!Take care bro....hopefully talk soon! Fragglepops!


Well-Known Member
Yea those tents are the way to go.
I use 26 watt CFLs to veg with. you can buy a vanity light at home depot and a cheap extension cord for like $15 and plug in 4 lights. I got a few of them over time. even cut one in half LOL, anyway you can put 4 26 watters in it and that spreads out the light. It has worked well for me. Miracle grow, I don't use it and have heard the same things you have. Time release means when you water you release nutrients. I wouldn't add any more to it unless I started seeing problems. Indoors I like to stay with a kush or Indica dominate strain. They are shorter most of the time but you still veg to height. Look at the vertical space, veg the plant until it is a little less the half way then flip to 12/12. Or do like I do and use a screen. same deal, veg till little more then half the screen is full and flip.


Active Member
you're proving to be a most helpful compadre Like i said i didn't have time to look at yr pics in detail but at a glance it looked like a soil-less grow.....i need to do some readin on that but can you recommend any good quality soil? Right it's 06.45 here so i'm off to turn on those life giving illuminations then go to bed! Cheers to follow next post just need some zzzzzz's. Adios!


Active Member
cheers anonymuss but and i may sound like a total noob here.....aren't the fan leaves normally attached to the bigger branches.......i realise i may be leavin myself open to ridicule if i'm way wrong. Thanks for takin the time my friend and as i've sad to cruzer and masp84 all advice,hints,tips and just general little things you yrselves do are most welcome and will be appreciated beyond belief. Any truth in thr story that if you leave a couple of blue spectrum bulbs in when flowering it enhances the flavour or is this just another one of 'those' stories? Again cheers for the input. Fragglepops roachin my bedtime smoke and signin out till later. Laters


Active Member
Fox Farm is good soil. Here is a fan leaf, View attachment 1598811
Don't take this the wrong way Midwest but i know what a fan leaf looks like,i hope and suspect that you were just showing me how good the Fox Farm fert is? Am i correct? Will have to look around as i don't recall seeingFox Farm in my country.All you see here is Miracle -Gro and Wests compost. Is it an American company? Thank you for yr input and reccomendation,it has been duly noted and will be googled as soon as i can see straight after my 5th cuppa coffee.......2hours sleep blows........hehe. Hope to see ya poppin in if i have anymore noob question needin answered. And like wise i'll be checkin out your shizzle. Cheers Bro:dunce:


Fox Farm is from California, so it's probably god awfully expensive outside of US. In regards to my previous post, I was extremely high. I misread the last few posts on your thread and thought you were confused about fan leaves. My bad. Anyways let's see some more pic's of your grow room and plants dude. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my cab grows have all been hydro but I do grow in soil in my green house. I use 1/2 fox farms ocean forest and 1/2 black gold then add some worm castings, seabird quano and perlite. I water all this down the first time with fish emulation and super thrive. This takes the plants about 1/2 way through veg with only water. Then I start feeding with pura vida. Sounds like there products are not available to you. I see you can get Miracle grow and Wests. I'm not familiar with Wests but I can tell you I have read journals on here where people have been successful with Miracle grow. If you can help me find info on wests I can look at there products and let you know.

Ya know, Its a weed, I bet if you went out to the yard got a couple shovels full of soil, mixed that with 1/2 the miracle grow and tossed in a chunk of dead fish a couple inches under the root ball and just watered the dam thing it would grow fine.


Active Member
Ya know, Its a weed, I bet if you went out to the yard got a couple shovels full of soil, mixed that with 1/2 the miracle grow and tossed in a chunk of dead fish a couple inches under the root ball and just watered the dam thing it would grow fine.[/QUOTE]

so damn true but no the easiest to hide in a scottish housing scheme.....haha! Havin issues with uploading pics i'm a workin on it!


Active Member
What you should know is getting light to a fan leaf is more important then getting light to a bud. Took me a while to get that.
Think of it in regards to size, a fan leaf has much more surface area for photosynthesis. buds have small sun leaf that a lot of times is a single blade.

By removing those fan leaves you have slowed down the growth until she can produce more sun leaves.
very true. good info sir