First ever... Anything.


Active Member
Hello all!

I'd like to start where a few others have by saying thank you to the rollitup community for all of your information.

Well, I've finally decided to stop wasting my time and money trying to find less than acceptable smoke. For the last few weeks, i've done nothing but read, watch videos, and read some more on how to grow hydroponically. After about two weeks of serious research, I have purchased everthing I need to start and finish my grow.
For a first timer, who knows nothing on the subject (me), I highly recommend the video "How to Grow Green" available on youtube. But don't stop there, because there is plently of information that he doesn't give. I have modeled my grow room according to his video and I am hoping for good things.
Over the last few years I had a friend that was getting some excellent home grown for me occasionally. I'm still puzzled as to why it had seeds in the first place, but there were a few none the less. I saved every seed I found not knowing why (until a few weeks ago). My friend would tell me at the time what each strain was, but ignorant to the subject I let it fly past me. So, I had pill bottle with about 20 seeds. I do recall a few names such as Northern Lights, Maui Wowi, and Haze.
That being said, lasts week I dropped 15 seeds into some ph adjusted distilled water and let the show begin! I never really took proper care of my seeds and they were pretty old so I was just hoping for the best. Out of the 15 that I placed into the water, I had 6 that properly germinated and eventually sprouted from my rockwool cubes. While finalizing my vegetative grow area, setting up my drippers and such, I neglected to get my dog out of the area and she knocked one over and killed it. :cry: Klutz. So now I'm down to 5 seedlings.

Now lets get technical:

Lighting - 2, 4' Fluorescent fixtures; 1 cool white, 1 warm white 40w each (total 160w) for seedlings, mothers, and clones. May get another fixture later for mothers only.
----For flowering I have a 400w HPS----

Nutes - Flora Nova Grow 7-4-10 / Flora Nova Bloom 4-8-7

Media - 1" rockwool starter plugs, 4" rockwool cubes, and clay pellets.

Air movement - 12" oscillating fan for vegetative room. 95 cfm squirrel cage blower for flowering room. Both will be always on.

For seedlings and mothers i'll be using a timed dripper system for watering. I have it set to 3 times a day during my 18 hours that I have the lights on.
I've adjusted the PH of the water to about a 5.8 (best I can tell using a test kit, not a meter) and my room temp stays between 65-75. For flowering I am planning on using a home built ebb & flow with the clay pellets.

Even after all the reading / research I did before I got started, I still managed to make a very basic mistake. At least I think I did. After I noticed my first sprout, I immediatally placed her under the lights, BUT I think I had my lights set too far away (about 1 foot) so the couple that sprouted first have a little stretching. I keep a pretty close eye on them and I think I may have caught it before it got too bad. I hope anyway. I have since dropped the lights to within 3" of the tallest plant.
The straws I added today, I'm not sure if they really needed them or not. Without them, those 2 lean a bit, no more than 45 degrees for certain. They aren't dependent on the straws, but the fan (on low) pushes them around quite a bit. I know this will build strength but I was just afraid it may be too much.

I love feedback, that's why I am here. I don't know anyone personally who has grown their own, therefore you guys and gals are my only hope to a fully successful grow. Thanks in advance.

LEGALIZE IT! We have the power.:joint:



Active Member
3 weeks from the first sprout today and I think that things are coming along very well.

I made the mistake of waiting till the last minute before upgrading my grow area so I could plant my rockwool cubes into the pots. My roots had bound up a little and were sticking out of the cubes, allowing them to be exposed to the light. That caused a few of the tips to turn dark, but i'm hoping I got to it in time. I have taken out the flouros that I was using for them and I'm curently using my 400w HPS. I also turned up the humidity a bit to help with the roots.

I am patiently waiting to see signs of sexual maturity. Judging by my reading on the subject, I expect to be able to find my ladies (At least one I hope.) sometime in the next week or so. :hump:



Active Member
I haven't done so well with the upkeep of my journal, but things are coming along very well. Out of the five seeds I started I ended up with 3 females, 1 male, and a hermi. I ditched the male and hermi, kept the 3 females. Before sending them into flower, I had to try my hand at cloning to save a little time on my next grow. So, out of the 6 cuttings I took,I had 5 of them take root. Seems like I got pretty lucky for my first grow so far. So it was time to send my ladies into flower. At the start of the 5th week from seed, I moved them into thier flowering room. I kept 2 of the clones in veg to use the best of the 2 as a mother plant and tossed the others. I also had to get rid of the shortest of the 3 females because I was limited on space, so I'm down to 2 lovely ladies. I had some trouble finding the parts I wanted for the ebb & flow system, so I'm just sticking with the drippers for this grow.
So here we are, the end of the 4th week into flowering (9th week total). Since I'm working from a bagseed on this one, I'm really not sure how much longer they have to go. They appear to be an indica dominate strain, so my best guess is another 4 to 6 weeks.
I decided about a week into flowering that they were really getting tall so I needed to top them, I chose the FIM method for this cut. So anyway, heres the pics!

