First DWC Second Grow

Hi, new here and to growing in general so please be gentle :)
Short background, this is my second grow, first time DWC. Im doing this for a challenge, some help from you guys and also for the good stuff. Also this might help me journal a bit. Here we go!

I got a few clones from my local dispensary, some of which are local and some are from a couple hours away.

Top down feed
11 gallon res
4 port air pump
Smaller aquarium pump
General Hydroponics trio and CalMag
2x large airstones

General Hydroponics pH up down kit
315 sunsystem lec
If the numbers on the pumps matter a lot I'll look and update them so you know.

Set everything up and put plants in. 2 plants are in rockwool starters and 2 are in peat moss starters. I have 4 plants in an 11 gallon res with 5 gallons in it to start. Once they out out some good roots into the real deep water I plan to put them in separate containers. 2 plants per 11 gallon res.

Originally, no one had hydroton clay growing medium around me or the stores I checked. I ordered some and eventually got it and switched out from aquarium gravel to hydroton. Here are what the roots looked like after a week of being in the gravel when switching to hydroton.


Plants didn't seem like they'd grown a lot so this was exciting to see :)

I think I put the top down water feed a little too close to the rockwool/peat moss which caused the plants to look overwatered and also a little bit of root rot.
This is a pic after 2 weeks on one of the plantsIMG_20200326_180158.jpg

You can see the side that the water drip line was directed at.
Changed them so they were just below the block.IMG_20200326_180201.jpg

Plants started yellowing that's why I messed with them because I figured this was an over watering sign. IMG_20200325_165047.jpg

Using a 300 watt blurple led for a lower intensity light source until I feel like they're healthy enough for the lec. Only pulls about 100 watts from the wall.

Details so far
Humidity range is 30 - 50 percent or so

Ph 5.6-6.2 (ph seems to rise throught the day. Before work it's about 5.7/8 ish and after I get home it seems to be 6.2 ish

Temp is 68-72

Running light 24hrs

Ppm is about 200 with normal tap water being 28 ppm And around 6.8 ph.

Light is about 14/16 inches above plants, they don't seem to be burning at all.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Plants don't seem too happy at the moment but hoping water level on starter block adjustment will help.
Yeah I'm sure it has chlorine, I can smell it in the res when it's sitting there. Also I felt the tubes in the res and they feel a little slimy if that's normal. I'll check that stuff out thanks :)
They look good man. I can't stress enough the importance of using 0ppm Reverse Osmosis when doing hydro of any kind.
Once you get that figured out, here's the charts a whoooooole bunch of us have hasld years of success with.
download (3).jpegRecirculating-Nutrient-Schedule-custom.jpg

You'll want to mix whatever you need in a smaller container. So say you needed 15 gallons worth of nutrients, you'd get yourself a gallon jug with some space left in it for shaking to mix it. ALWAYS mix CaliMagic first. Shake well. Then the micro. Shake well. Then gro, shake, then bloom and shake as follows. Just add the amount for 15 Gals, or however much, into the gal. Just be sure to mix well in between each part .
Thanks! Appreciate it so much, I think that's about the amount I've been using it's week 2 and I've added 1/2 teaspoon ea. I didn't think about adding the mix to a gal first and shaking. You think running a pump with was added in the correct order would do it too? Run it for like 5 mins then add the next one?
Thanks! Appreciate it so much, I think that's about the amount I've been using it's week 2 and I've added 1/2 teaspoon ea. I didn't think about adding the mix to a gal first and shaking. You think running a pump with was added in the correct order would do it too? Run it for like 5 mins then add the next one?
It really needs to be mixed all together in a smaller amount then added all at once to the res. At least that's the way that has led to no issues.
Also forgot, I've been putting in Botanicare hydroguard with the regular nutes.
Yeah I'm sure it has chlorine, I can smell it in the res when it's sitting there. Also I felt the tubes in the res and they feel a little slimy if that's normal. I'll check that stuff out thanks :)
Its not normal for it to be slimy already. After a few weeks in the water sure, but not this soon.
Your rot is a big problem, youve nearly killed them before they got to start. I would suggest doing 2x the recommended dose of hydroguard and changing your water more often until you see a good bit of new healthy growth.
I would suggest doing 2x the recommended dose of hydroguard and changing your water more often until you see a good bit of new healthy growth.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll do this for sure, poor plants :(

water temps or air temps?
Those are air temps, I know res should be around 68 for water temp, right? I'll get another thermometer, or maybe put my current one in the water and see what those temps are.

Does anyone have some advice on how to prevent this in the future? How do you guys set up your top feed so that they aren't too high/ too low? Would it work to put the tube right underneath the starter block, cap the end and then put a hole about half the diameter on the top face of the tube, facing the starter block, then set the block ontop of the tube and cover with hydroton?
Thanks again for the help everyone :)
i would never use rockwool. i do use rapid rooters (peat) and they are constantly soaking wet without problems.

water temps, not enough dissolved oxygen, light leaks , not enough hydroguard (which is crap too, get the southern ag that one member mentioned) could all cause the root rot.
Things are looking up a little, I tried washing the peat out of one of the plants to see if that would help. I left the other one and apparently washing the stuff out was a mistake, guessing because it hurts the roots. Tried doubling the amount of hydroguard and ordered some southern ag. Should be here soon. killed one plant :( but it's ok I'm learning lots of stuff, and the one plant is really taking off.


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Did a little defoliation today and found some spider mites :/ gonna try rubbing alcohol and water and some of the Monterey garden insect spray with spinosad. Reccomendations welcomeIMG_20200504_180336.jpgIMG_20200504_185043.jpg
Did a little defoliation today and found some spider mites :/ gonna try rubbing alcohol and water and some of the Monterey garden insect spray with spinosad. Reccomendations welcomeView attachment 4555513View attachment 4555517
All I know is when it came to the Thrips, that Monterey Gardens Insect Spray was an absolute miracle cure. 2 applications, which was probably not needed, and they were GONE. 2 weeks later, everything was back to nor am, happy healthy, and cuttings started to root again.
That was the main issue when infested with Thrips; zero luck Aero-cloning. Stems would just turn to mush. When the donor isn't happy, your unable to clone it.

I'm very interested if the Monterey Gardens Insect Spray had any noticeable effect in the Spider Mites. Any updates for us?