First Crop

Spine Vac

Active Member
Well, I got fed up with payin for the stuff, so i decided I'd grow my own for the first time. Started with seeds, which I heard is bad, but whatever, I'm not looking for spectacular bud. Gotta start somwhere. Usin DNF Gro A & B, soon to be Bloom A & B and Bloom Fortifier. got a fan, white room (well closet) with white sheets up. Got 2 250 watt halogen bulbs, one over each. I've been following the instructions for the fertilizer but there about a month old and as you can see they're not really growin to their full potential. any ideas to get them goin?



Well-Known Member
Throw the halogens away and get an HID. or at least some CFLs or something. Starting from seeds is not bad, you just have to deal with males.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
best idea for you is to get rid of the halogens, all they produce is heat, the light they emit isn't going to do you any good. set up some CFL's three per plant should do you untill flowering. and you didn't mention anything about your ph, are you monitoring it? if not you need too ph/ppm pens are best but for a tight budget ph test strips for pools and stuff will work.


Well-Known Member
no ph monitoring and your going to kill your plants unless your the lucky type that just by adding nutes you get it in the range. if you can get your hands on the 100w cfl's or bigger, but anywhere from the 23w's and above should get you going, cool blue for veg , but to flower with them you need to use mainly warm white.


Well-Known Member
daylight is more of a full spectrum light that can be used to flower but the warm white is higher in the reds which is what the plants mostly use to flower, even though they need some blue for full potential.


a few small cfls really close to the plant top works better than a halogen.
i used a halogen on my first grow because it was all i had and the plant streched out so far it fell over and the buds were not worth my trouble. (there were no such thing as cfl then) i use cfls on clones and some vegging and they work great the trick is to condense the light to a small area no extra space in the room put 3 cfls close to the flowering top and you'll get some good bud. i would get an HID light if possable from my experiance they do a better job of budding and one 400 watt metal halide light will bud a little bigger room than cfls