first closet cfl grow- sour D, charas, and bagseed


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. when i started i didn't do much research and my seedlings stretched out. but the girls are growing good now. i recently transplanted the sour D. its not very happy with me and kinda droopy. the other two are growing really well. remember this is my first grow id like to know if anyone has any suggestions. just please dont be a dick about it. Im growing with two 300watt equivalentCFLs both are 2700k and also two 150 watt equivalent CFLs 2700k. and also using general organics nutes.


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Nce healthy looking plants.

But - For your veg stage, use "daylight" 6500k.
Use what you have there for flowering.

I'm using a low power system. For veg I'm using 9, 23W "daylight" CFLs with 3, 23W "soft" CFL mixed in.
For flowering it's the other way round, 3 soft for every 1 daylight.

You can make a cheap reflector by using a piece of 8inch dryer vent.


Well-Known Member
Ya i was wondering about the lights. Im gonna buy about 8 of them and i saw a cool way to make a DIY reflector on youtube with the dryer vent. ill have it all done with the new cabinet by sunday. honestly i cant wait! hope my plants come out good.


Well-Known Member
failed to make the grow closet this week due to bills having to be paid -_- but should be up soon. in other news, the plants have got alot bigger. they are loving there nutrients and lights.ill prob switch then into flower by next week when the box is done. i cant wait


Active Member
actually can anyone tell me ruffly how long should i be veggin for
dude i see you got your pots on top of stuff there, i pile up my magazines for my pot lol but get those higher up 2-6 inches away [2-3 best] it will help the stretching. might not be a bad idea to put some more soil in those pots too since they stretched alot. lookin good, good luck


Well-Known Member
ya i put a little more soil in. they grew more so the lights are close now. they are looking really good ill upload more pics on monday


Well-Known Member
actually can anyone tell me ruffly how long should i be veggin for
id flower now before they get too big for the lights.
id also turn the bulbs sideways and make up some coke can reflectors or similar and youll get more light to the plants, youre wasting alot of light how it is now.
couple more lights would help too.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
^ making the light horizontal is alot better you get more light in the downward direction. I have a bagseed of some sour d that i want to grow but i only have one. ill be watching this to see how it goes. i got a cheese that is a little younger than all yours. how old are they?
you could also get a cabinet or something to confine the light and everything if you wanted. i found one at my friends apt complex under the stairs it was a little beat up but i put it back together and its great for right now.


Well-Known Member
going to pick up a cabinet tomorrow morning :) and i plan on getting two more 300 watt equivalent bulbs. i was gonna put them in flower but wanted to wait for the cabniet for a number of reason. my sis with try and steal my bud so i have to lock the cabinet. and need it for the smell.


Well-Known Member
they are pushing 3 1/2 weeks from sprouting the bag seed and the charas which i think is a haze plant instead(think my cuz mixed up the seeds) are the biggest about 12" the sour D is about 9 " but is stout and really resistant to just about everything. it likes to grow slow though -_-


Well-Known Member
3rd day of flowering. They are getting big. I transplanted all of them into bigger pots and started giving then flower and veg nutes 1/2 strength. They love it. Got the cabinet half done doin minor tweaks here and there. More lights are added and hopefully will hav some more pics up tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Sour D is officailly a female. The bag seed might be a male need to wait a lil longer. And the haze plant has exploded in growth almost 4 feet high and is also a female. About 4 more weeks left