First Cfl's Grow. Blue Mystic Auto


Hello everyone,
its been a while since ive been on here. i started a small grow for personal use. and to be honest i kind of forgotten of how much use these site is, i didnt relize i had my thread in a wrong topic so i started on decided which kinda of set up i should have

in the end i decided to do the fish tank. and for all the people who might think its small. im fine with it. if i need to extend the top i will.
but just wanted to show an update on things are now.

so i have the lights upside down not hanging but ziptied. um i have 1 truee 100 watt[ I THINK] the package did not say true 100watt nor equal to but it is a full spectum cfl' um the other 4 around the middle are equal to 100watt. daylight. i alsodecided to goahead and change the sauce cup in to actual pots. i went ahead and went to my local nursery and picked up a bang of fox farm ocean forrest mix.

okay so i just took a picture of the package of the full spectrum cfl if anyone could tell me if it is a true 100w it would be nice.


also my girls are about 2 weeks old. i did not have this last bulb till a couple of days ago. also if i need more cfl's let me know


Well-Known Member
Yeah those are only 27 watts a piece, giving you a total of 108 watts total. The rule of thumb I go is to have at least 150 watts per plant.