First CFL grow.


As of right now i have three clones in a small grow shelf,(will add pics soon ) with 2 45w CFL lights, over top of them one being about 5 incs and the other about 6 above, and no fan right now, to close? to far? when should i put the fan in there? and how much wind can they handle i no most fans have speeds. all answers and or advice is greatly appreciated .


Well-Known Member
Get a fan in there at it's lowest level, make sure that the clones are just movin' a little, and not being tossed around by the wind...And bring the light a little closer, maybe 1-2.5 inches from the tops.



Ok so basically just a little shake to the clone? Aswell like i said the lights are around 5-6 inches away right now with no fan, when i get home today ill lower the lights then switch on the fan