first cfl grow sweet tooth/ sour diesel clones please check it out pics and video


[video=youtube;QaAC9myRSWQ][/video]IMAG0008.jpgIMAG0016.jpgIMAG0015.jpgIMAG0014.jpgIMAG0013.jpgIMAG0012.jpgIMAG0011.jpgIMAG0010.jpgIMAG0009.jpgIMAG0004.jpgIMAG0005.jpgIMAG0006.jpgIMAG0007.jpgIMAG0017.jpgthis is my first cfl closet grow
grow room size
125 w 6500k
x2 42w 2700k
x2 62w 2700k
3 fans
not in use

i got these clones from a collective i had no choice delivery driver dropped them so there 3-5 inches i have them on 22/2 light cycle and i let them dry out for 2 days before i gave them some p.h tap water about 60ml that i left out for a day i lowered the ph with ph down from 7.1 to 6.5 also foliage some salt with 1g distilled water temps range from 82-90 i keep the door cracked with a fan on during lights out fans stay door closes .i ordered some super thrive for next week when i plan to transplant into 3 gallon pots with foxfarms ocean forest soil .any and all comments suggestions are gratefully appreciated

help with deficiencies
witch nutes to buy foxfarms or advance nutrients??


IMAG0018.jpgIMAG0021.jpgIMAG0023.jpgIMAG0024.jpgIMAG0025.jpgits freaking hot yo! seen temps as hi as 98 the sweet tooth dint seam to mind that much the sour d not so much plant drooped like no other! little growth all over the place tho .both sour d's look different
from left to right sour d sour d sweet tooth sweet tooth.


Well-Known Member


i think its that hot cuhs i have the thermometer right uder the light but my other temp is at 80-88 gave the some alg a mic . the seem to like it .!


Well-Known Member
Your killing your plants man with those temps it's web 106 outside where I live and I'm seeing high 80s right before lights off, that even scares me take some light out and water a little more till you can get the temps down I don't want you to kill your bad ass clones


Your killing your plants man with those temps it's web 106 outside where I live and I'm seeing high 80s right before lights off, that even scares me take some light out and water a little more till you can get the temps down I don't want you to kill your bad ass clones

thank you for you comments i removed the all 2700 k and replaced them with 5 26 watt daylight bulbs and 125watt 6500k allot better from the cool 80 -86 planning to get a larger fan but how much light should i bee giving my 4 clones right now there at 255watts is that ok still ? growth has been good on all but one . to early to thin out weak maybe in week 3.all clones have been reserving 1/2 tsp of alg a mic and heaven by biobizz .


so im dabbin in to lst and and did one of each sweet tooth and one sour d now the sour d i just did it yesterday and over night the 1 bottom leaf is turning yellow .i:sad:s this normal??.any thoughts or ideas ph is at 6.5 and only have feed them bio bizz heaven and alg a mic any comment or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!



So its been a min since I last posted but who gives a fuck lol not like anyone in the riu community does anyway grow is going good lots of growth
But one of the st clone is poping out 3 finger leafs wtf ! Not really worried tho cuhs good old faithfull interwebs told me it could be anything from root rot to stress ima let the little plant be!


Active Member
its been a minute since its been this nice out... if its got stress, send that shit to therapy.. same with root rot.

what soil? lights should me RIGHT onto of the plants and CFL's shouldn't begetting hot.. maybe crack ur door and have a fan going out? theres gotta be some circulation for it to work. a closed box and a fan doesn't bring cool air from anywhere. I want ur plants to live, give then what they need, u know the problem. its TEMP. So do that and water twice a week and ur chillen. Once they start showing some life id suggest hitting them with the nute bomb. They should be thriving!


Well-Known Member
Personally those clones were not ready to be LST d yet you should've waited till they were healthier


Thanks for the advise the look happy ass fuck right now i will take pics as soon as lights come on in 1/2 hour there in fox farms oceans forest 2gallon pots with water that i let sit out and airstone for 2 to 4 days .with 1 tsp of algi a mic and bio bizz heaven .i think after one more feeding with 2 tsp like this i will start the nutes . Any thoughts on the nutes i should use not foxfarms that shits hot!! For a noob like me evry time i have tried it i end up burning so this is what i think i will use

*buhda Grow
*veg +bloom
* soul sinteticts
I have all 3 maybe a little test lol any ideas greatly apriciated


Your so right i fucked up so i released them from there lst and let them recoop only thing that has me trippin is the 3 leaf thing ..


Well-Known Member
dnt worry about the 3 finger leaf thing thats just the plant regenerating its self after the heat punishment they had.keep up the good work tho their comming along fine


Thanks i will keep on keeping on ! They look 10x better than,they did before so im happy in the following weeks i will start nutes and training after they recover from there fim;-)