First CFL grow, experimentation, and looking for input.


Well-Known Member
Hey, my names Truman. As you all should know, I am a dog. Unbenounced to my owner, I have been growing some seeds I found in a bag of this stinky stuff he always buys.

I have 1 plant that has been vegging for probably 2-3 weeks
and 5 seedling (more to come probably, these just sprouted first.
In the pictures you will notice a little light fixture, shining light UNDER the leaves. Do you think this helps at all?

heres some pictures.
View attachment 1498096SANY0307.jpgSANY0305.jpgSANY0302.jpgSANY0299.jpgSANY0303.jpgSANY0301.jpg

By the way, that white/shiny stuff on the leaves is epsom salt, leaves went from light green to dark green a day after I put that on them.

Tell me what you think/give me some advice, I don't bite.

I posted this earlyer in indoor growing, but it's more suited for this forum. It's fallen off the face of the earth anyway, and I don't feel like bumping for an eternity to get some advice lol.