First (CFL) Grow Bubblelicious(Nirvana-seeds)


Active Member
Hey everybody. So in 25. September i started my grow. The seed-bank is Nirvana and strain Bubblelicious Femenized. I grow with 8x cfl lights 2700k 23/24w . Cant find in myhometown 6500k lights. Got homemade reflector and also the box is homemade. WIll be box pictures later. I grow in potting soil with perlite.

Week 1
At 3rd days evening she sprouted.
22 C / 71,6 F Night
28,8 C / 83,9 F Day
38% Day
64% Night
Those are average deadlines of week taking everyday.


Active Member
Doing great :)

Well, leaves are yellow. I did a research and found i over-watered a bit. From start i thought too close lights.
So i stopped watering on 11 day. Probably tomorrow will be new pics.


Well-Known Member
Im growing short rider now but i have these seeds and white widow for next grow keep us updated just dont know what to grow next and ill be going hydro happy growing

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Good luck man - I'm also growing Bubblelicious right now, will be interesting to compare and contrast.

Best of luck.


Active Member
21,5 / 70,6 Night
28,9 / 84,1 Day
38% Day
60% Night
My baby looks better now after little floods.
1st side branches are developing.
Pictures are from 14th day.
Should i give nutrients next week small doses, and raise them by time?
Well thats it for now. Thx for your time. :peace:



Active Member

1-3 Pic

Still got problems with first 2 leaf sets :(
1st set is liek dried out and gets droopy a bit but branches from it are healthy.
2nd set Hmm the edges of leaves yellow and it seems not getting better.
Atleast other leaves have no probs and plant is good atm.

Fuck I Missed :mrgreen:

4-5 Pic



Active Member
Did i failed FIMing?
Looks like i trimmed them, will there be shots? Or should i top it a bit later? Not much time though, Need to start LSTing soon.



Well-Known Member
cool ... but i dont think that fimming is necessary .... my plant now at the moment have about 18 branches where flowers will develop :) im doin some lst at the moment so that my side branches can develop even more :) yeah and i dried my fan leaves that i cutted off and tested today.... when drying it really smells like dog shit or something like that but thats only when drying.... the plant which is growing smells nice :) .... smoke was fine but there is not any thc in the fan leaves right now :D that was just for fun :) i`ll post some new pics with lst in my thread.... if someone doesnt know then we bought seeds together and i started my grow at september 26 :) check out my grow at


Active Member
Well, what i have done is trimmed 2 sets of fan leafs and havent cut of the grow tip...

  1. I could leave her and do LST, and have 4 cripple fan leaves.
  2. Or Top it and have 4 nodes with branches and 2 tops. Pic 1
  3. Or remove the cripple fan leaves cut off grow tip, and pray for 4 or 6 branches turn into tops. pic 2 and 3
I`l do LST anyway whatever i choose to do.
I`l appreciate if you can give me some advice, and help me choose what to do.
In 2 or 3 days i need to transplant her into bigger pot.



Active Member

I also gotta Bubb and Ak48 (Nirvana) grow goin atm.. Will be watching ur's too. :D

Hey you might wanna get ur temps down tho if at all possible.. Mid 80's is a bit high IMO



Active Member

I also gotta Bubb and Ak48 (Nirvana) grow goin atm.. Will be watching ur's too. :D

Hey you might wanna get ur temps down tho if at all possible.. Mid 80's is a bit high IMO

I`ve got thermometer in a bit warmer place, might put it by the plant from now on, cuz the temps are different, still dont have proper air circulation in box just in and out. The temps are lower at bottom of box and higher where the thermometer is at u know heat is getting upwards.


Active Member
I`ve got thermometer in a bit warmer place, might put it by the plant from now on, cuz the temps are different, still dont have proper air circulation in box just in and out. The temps are lower at bottom of box and higher where the thermometer is at u know heat is getting upwards.
Yea I get you.. I have that same situation. The right side of my box is way cooler than the left because I have my A/C intake on the right.. lol

So sometimes there's a difference of like 5-7 degrees between the sides. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Well 3 weeks have passed!
21,3 / 70,3 Night 28,9/84,0 Day
34% Day 57% Night
Remember those are average deadlines of 3rd weeks days. Temps are not constant, i aint got no climate control for that, just 2 pc fans 1 for intake 1 for exhaust tomorrow maybe gona buy one for circulation inside, still the plant got a lil wind blowin from intkake :)
Dont have any fresh pics, just from yesterday before i topped her(il hope she will be her, hopefully not shemale) :D
In upcomming days i need to buy new pc fan, new pot, transplant her, and also need to think about starting to LST before stem gets harder. Actually this failed attempt to fimming and now topped, really stunted growth, but lower branches didnt stop developing. The situation on first 2 leafs sets stays the same, maybe a bit better on 2nd leaf set(one side almost no yellow signs)
Digital Photo-camera is at my mom atm, il take some pics tomorrow. Peace i go to bed!


Active Member
Hello folks. Today i transplanted my dear plant into bigger pot. For whole life cycle i guess. Maybe bigger would have been better, but it will live :D Rootbound was good white and holded all soil perfectly :) Immediately went into new pot :) Should have done like 2-3 days before but anyway. Here`s promised pics :) From 22nd day!



Well-Known Member
looks pretty healthy... something like mine in about a month :) thats normal because you have 3 times more lumens than i have :) :D and i have cutted off all big fan leaves just because they were too big and they shadoved all branches where buds were developing :D


Active Member
Hello. Dont know if someone is following my plant, probably not many, cuz for everyone here its just a plant, but for me its my only one :)
Its 26th day and i have some pics for ya folks. :)
I guess the yellowing leaves problem have disappeared, or i just didnt saw it while taking photos of my baby.
Well pics talk :)

