First Big Bang grow. Take a look.


Hey everyone. Picked up a pack of 5 seeds. Unfortunately lost 4 of the five to dryness during germination. This is the one that made it. IMG_00000107.jpg Some of the lower leaves are drying and yellowing. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Has long has the new growth looks fine dont worrie because the lower leaves often die of


Well-Known Member
prepare to up pot soon. what nutes and soil will you use. if none yet, pick some soon.
get a good fan running and control the water schedule.


Well-Known Member
If you mean the 2 first leaves (cotlydons) that look different (no serrated edges), that is normal. They always die off at about that stage.


Thanks for all the input. I know I probably should water it every second day so I am going to be diligent with that. This grow is on its 24th day. Using market bought potting soil. Should move to organic. As for nutes I will be shopping for them tomorrow. Cheers