First autoflower grow show!! growing easyrider and Purple Jems!!


hello everybody! i am starting a journal but now quite sure how? guess this is the way by starting a new thread. The strains are easyrider and purple jems by the joint doctor. ordered the seeds from the guy jim is awesome and my shipment came in 6 days!!! and i live in s.w. florida! i'm gonna be doing week by week updates with pics to let you know how the girls are doing. i have 10 fem er's and ten regular purple jems. dope seeds sent me free auto assassin seeds as well.. here is the setup.... an old dresser converted into a stealth grow cab with 5 100 watt cfls. there is an intake fan and a son to be exhaust fan. the temps stay in the mid 80's range with about 40% humidity. the pics i am about to post are of the box and the girls with their first day above soil. i am gtrowing in for farm ocean forest soil and will be feeding tiger bloom and bud candy with ph'd water. any questions, advice, or other peoples grows, feel free to post!!



Active Member
SWEET. I love ER. Got one growin now, just starting to show crystals on the leaves. They are amazing to watch grow so damn quick! I'm subbing to this one.... if I can figure out how?


Idk how to subscribe to threads either lol. I'm really excited about the easyriders! This is my first grow with autoflowers
So I'm interested in how they will turn out. I've read up alot in other posts about em so I think I'm well armed with the know how for these midgets.
I pray that the purple jems is as purple as advertised. I've never even seen
A purple bud in person before. I'll be giving weekly updates with pics to show the progress. Thanks for dropping in bro!


Active Member
absolutely man. Thanks for starting the grow show. I'll wait for someone to hop on here and tell me how to sub. This grow might help me decide whether I'm gonna try the purple jems. Ive read around that they really get that purple but cant ever find a smoke report on them.
I've had purple kush, erkle, purple wreck, all sorts of purps but nothin that gets THAT purple.... damn! lol


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the world of autos......Dope-seeds was my first supplier of autos, lowryder 2, and have continued to supply me with the little critters! Yep, Jim is a stand up guy and does a great job of stealthy shipping with good beans. I also rec'd some of the short stuff auto assassins and am gonna try to work'em in to my next rotation.....
I have some of his diesel ryders going right now with a round of lowryder 2 waiting their turn. Autos are quick and provide some tasty nugs if you give'em only a little help....


Well-Known Member
Clean looking setup. I've grown a few Easyryders, so I like watching other people grow them. I've only grown outdoors, yours should be much bigger. And I'm curious to see how the Purple Jems do. Cheers.


Had some recent problems since starting this thread. One of the er girls pushed her way out of the soil!!!
The taproot literally did a u-turn and started growing up towards the lights! Weirdest thing I have ever seen. Tried some emergency transplanting back to a starter cube but I fear the lil gal is past the point of no return but we shall see. I appreciate everyone stopping in as I am sure I will have questions on these plants. I am very excited to finally find out firsthand what all the hype is about with af's. So, until
Next time...happy toking everyone!


Clean looking setup. I've grown a few Easyryders, so I like watching other people grow them. I've only grown outdoors, yours should be much bigger. And I'm curious to see how the Purple Jems do. Cheers.
Yeah I am pretty anxious to see how the pj's turn out also. The pics I've seen so far they are bright purple!! Fingers crossed. I always thought plants grown outdoors ended up alot larger than indoor plants. ? I've never grown outdoors so I have no basis for comparison


Well-Known Member
I've grown the PJs indoors under hps and although they did show a light purple color , it wasn't as dramatic as I would have liked but they're some pretty good toke material.
I've grown some lowryder 2 outside and inside.....the largest was under 1000w hps but the ones outside were almost as large.....under 400w hps, they were a bit smaller....all still gave of their fruits to a needy soul.....


Active Member
I've grown some lowryder 2 outside and inside.....the largest was under 1000w hps but the ones outside were almost as large.....under 400w hps, they were a bit smaller....all still gave of their fruits to a needy soul.....
not sure on lr2, but I have heard several times that ER needs deep pots to get big. Not necessarily big, just deep. It grows one long taproot and less of a root ball I guess. I'm experimenting a little more with all this on my 2nd ER. I can say my first one is in a pot thats way too small and I won't be expecting more than half oz. Iv seen one get up to 16 inches tall, though. Beast mode!
ome, that is nuts. I can't say ive seen of any plant's tap do that. Did you get pics off it? if so, you should post them with the next set of the babies
OH YA sub fn scribed! lol took me long enough to figure that one out


as promised week two is here and boy let me tell you these girls are doing looovvveeelyyy!! as previously stated i had some problems with a couple of the er's. one had uprooted itself out of the soil while i was at work and the taproot shriveled up. i started two more and they are showing amazing vigor. even surpassing my one purple jem i have in the box that is 14 days old. none of the easyryders or the purple jem have shown preflowers yet but we are very close. all the easyryders are fem seeds from and the one purple jems is from a regular seed batch of ten so im keeping a close eye on it. anways enough rambling and on to the wed porn!! feel free to leave comments, subscribe, give rep, dis my grow, whatever! lets just get some action on this thread!!! peace ps. pic one is the purple jems



And I have a question for someone to answer. I am using bud candy with every watering. The bottle says 2 ml added to 1 litre. I did the math and broke it down. That's one and a half teaspoons added to one gallon of water. I'm doing it but it does not seem like it would be enough to notice any difference with the flavor, smell at harvest. Can anyone help me out with this and give some suggestions? Preferably people that have experience using bud candy yourself. Not info you got from someone that knows someone that is screwing someone who's 2nd cousin used it in their last grow!! Lol thanks


Active Member
Ok well I didn't HEAR from someone, but WITNESSED (hope this is acceptable cuz its what i got) a caregiver buddy use his bud candy every other watering in the last 3 weeks of flowering on a sativa dom strain he calls kahuna. I can't say it worked good enough that I would spend money on it. But yes, using it that way side by side w a plant that didnt have it works. the one using bud candy swoll up more and end result tasted better. I will say I didnt notice a difference in potency tho by any means (side by side with a twin clone with no finisher of any kind). hopefully someone adds more to what I've said..... but truthfully experimenting is the best way to find out. only suggestion....... maybe keep an er or two away from the bud candy and see what happens. (trust me I know how stupid this sounds, but read the back label of a bottle of organic pomegranite juice. compared to expensive ass finishers, and costing only 6 bucks, it is working great in my garden.)

ps I'm in this one for the long haul, and plenty of people will join in. just keep posting, preferrably w pics


Active Member
oh man they look great so far :) Im just at 9 weeks.. or yesterday was 9 weeks of my 4 x diesel ryder and 1 purple gems :) I`d be glad to post some pictures of them right befor ei harvest :) wich should be soon :P


Thanks everyone for responding! This is my first documented grow like this. It's pretty exciting to get feedback from others. You want so badly to tell your friends and everyone you know that burns but it's just too risky. So I really dig this! You know another thing I am noticing? I've grown with cfl's tons of times. And every time I've had to keep the bulbs basically shrouded around the plant two inches from the tops. Do that to prevent stretching, get tighter buds, etc. I have my lights almost a foot above the canopy and these babies have the shortest internode lengths I think I've ever had on a plant! I'm loving it!! Just wanted to share that!


I have got a huge problem!! My dumbass roomate his came in my room asking
To see one of the packets my seeds came in so he can show our neighbor whom he barely knows! He's burned with the guy before but I do not trust it. He said he didn't tell him I was growing but I was like WTF do you think
The guy thinks we are doing with the damn seeds we ordered off of the Internet??!! If the guy burns he knows what a fuxking seed looks like! So, now one of my neighbors unless he's a damn mentally retarded 4th grader knows I'm fuxking growing pot!!! What the hell do I do? Should I trash the grow and wait til the paranoia blows over and start again? Or do I keep my fingers crossed and keep it going?


Well-Known Member
Bummer, another journal that is ending short. I think I jinx journals. Seriously. 1/2 of the ones I subscribe to have bad luck. It's not you, it's me.

I would chalk those plants up to the cost of doing business - and trash them. Since you're growing autos, you can always start again when you think it's safe and still harvest in a relatively short period. If you paid $10 each for those seeds, you can save yourself a whole lot of worry for the scant price of $60, not including your other expenses. That's a no-brainer, in my opinion. Even at double that price. Best of luck.