first aero build. help with questions.

my questions are
is my 296 gph sub pump good for this?
will a 4 or 6 in pcv pipe make a differance in plant size?
will the netpot size matter? i was gunna go 3- 4
what kind of timer should i use and time schedual for misting.

im using general hydroponic nutes and its a 10 plant system. 2 rows of 5.


Active Member
296 will work but spray pattern might be a little weak. I would use a 633 minimum.

Timer: either a 1 on 4 off or 1 on 5 off

I use 3" in cloner, veg and flower units so they all interchange.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
i was using an aero20 machine 5on 5off. I didnt like it cuz once they plant get so big you can really move them unless u went in the room everyday and picked them up to keep roots from growing together. I even cloned in it before, it works good and grows good too. One other thing i noticed is the clones i got that were in riot rooters seemed to work better since the roots were already spread out well. Just using the insert with no medium the tap root jus keeps growing looking for an anchor.


Active Member
I run a modified 3 rail stinkbud system with 2 different sets of rails. One set of rails the plants are 12" apart the 2cnd set are 9" apart. All depends on what you are doing, plain grow, scrog, sog.. I've seen 18" apart and I have seen 6" apart and everything in between. 10"-12" is more than likely good for your first.

What setup for aero are you doing? True high pressure, low pressure / nft.. ???? I am guessing LP/nft with your post about pvc 4" and 6", again all depends what you plan to do. I use 5" square pvc fence post in y flower system. Works fine putting 15"-18" plants in it from vegger.
I do not recommend a submersible pump. You will have to check PH everyday; unless you have a huge res. Go HP; Save money and time. Your inital cost are higher but you running cost as great when you go DTW. You can even build your own timer if you get into basic electronics. Look up 555 timers; make a pulse generator.

Get aquatech pumps 68 or 88, and the red nozzles with anti drip or CV, check out this thread

You will be glad you did. Plus get the hydro buddy software; lets you put in store bought brands of nuts and you can use it to make your own recipes and it will calculate how much of each product you will need; as well as help figure out what is even possible with what you got.


Active Member
I use a 37.5 gallon marine cooler for my res and a eco 633 sub pump to run 12 sprayers on 3 rails. No PH issues.
Well that's nice; but swim doesn't even have a res; its a small grow; maybe 4-8 plants max. Uses less than 8 gallons a week. Swim doesn't have to check PH except when nutes are first mixed.

Then it's smooth sailing, and all the benefits of running 100psi.


Active Member
Well that's nice he doesn't use a res and has 4-8 plants.

I grow 3 sets of 12 and except for lights total cost for 3 flower units at 36 plants total was $450.00 (that is using a comparatively expensive cooler for a res as apposed to a tuff box or rubbermaid.)