First 420


Active Member
Hello, This is my first grow and just have a couple of questions.

1) I have used miracle-gro for the seedlings. N-P-K says 0.21-0.07-0.14
They are percentages, so is it the same as 21-07-14 ?

2) Should I even be using miracle-gro? I can change it when i transplant
if i need to.

3) Can i use CFL lights through out all the stages if i keep it directly(2")
from the plant? I would like to if i can(low wattage and all)

4) 21% (N) - 12% is ammoniacal nitrogen, 9% nitrate (is this good nitrogen
for the plant? And is 15% coated slow release for nitrogen ok?

5) I am keeping the light on these seedlings on all the time. Is this cool?

6) I've planted 5 sprouts. 1 being the strongest looking 5 the weakest.
1 showed first looking green and healthy, purple stem. Then 2 showed
showed lookin the same. 3-4-5 have yet to show!!! Its been 2 days.
They havent been watered since the initial watering. No nutes. Should
I just wait and water like day 3(soils still a little moist) 3-4-5 or should
I give them a little water now?

I do have a million and one questions but will stop for now. I need answers for these first. :) thankyou for the help

plant 420


Well-Known Member
everything looks good to me, other than the soil, many don't like the MG soil, especially with time release nutes....... you don't want those, it takes away you having control over the nutes supplied to the plant.


Active Member
since i found out you need Daylight 6500k cfl for VEG and Soft White 2700K for flowering I checked what i was using on the fresh seedlings. SOFT WHITE!! I have like 7 cfl's and they are al soft white!!

Can i use these on the seedlings for now??? should i put a reg light bulb in there withe the soft white??

I think they will be ok right since i am not in the VEG stage yet, right?

any help greatly appreciated.


Active Member
ok i looked up on the faq and i havent seen anything saying it will mess with my plants. and i found a cool reflector to make for them out of a soda can.

If anyone thinks using these lights is wrong at this time please let me know.
Just trying to keep my babies healthy.
