firecrackers with vaped weed?


Active Member
So I decided instead of throwing away my vaped weed like I normally due I'd try to throw it in some firecrackers instead, well it was about a quarter of an O of vaped weed and I made 6 of the firecrackers, so about a g in each give or take a bit. Well I've eaten two now in between the time period between 2 and 6 well its 7 and I don't feel anything so I'm going to pound the other 4 and hope for the best. I figured I'd just try this out and if it worked awesome, if not I still got a tasty snack out of the deal...if anyone could tell me about experience of failure or success with this method of using your vaped ganj please share your input, this could have been a horrible idea but I usually just throw it away so I'm trying to utilize this 30-40% of thc that is left in the weed, but right now I'm not so sure
I'm really not sure if thats true I've read things like that here and there about the supposed benefits there are of vaped weed still, but really so far I'm not feeling much of anything, but it could just be the method or perhaps I bake my weed in the vape longer then others, but I still hope to get messed up off these firecrackers
no that's not true at all . . . I'd say there's about 5% left, 10% tops.

those would be the most disgusting and ineffective firecrackers of your LIFE
I have a slight buzz but nothing much at all, yeah I wasn't expecting much, but a lot of my friends bust my balls for just throwing away the vaped weed so I figured I'd attempt to do something with it, but I think I'm just going to be throwing it away again, haha
i tried making firecrackers with vaped weed once. couldnt eat them...tasted awful. i also made brownies with vaped weed once, much better idea. the brownies while not getting me really high on their own, made the high from toking last a whole lot longer. so i say use vaped weed to make cannabutter and make brownies...then after you eat the brownies, smoke a bowl. it was good for me so maybe it would be for you too! :)
if you're going to do ANYTHING with vaped weed, do the simple butter + water cooking trick. you'll extract everything you possibly can out of it, without the nasty flavor. then you can make cookies, brownies, or whatever you can make with butter.
Thanks for the link that will help a shit ton in the future, what was strange about these firecrackers is that they tasted a shit ton better then some I made with fresh bud a few months back, I think its mainly because this vaped bud was lemon haze, and the other shit was some nasty mids, that was before I found out what good bud was haha

Oh and do you all recommend to try to not vape the bud all the way through and leave some color so I can cook with it later, or should I basically just vape the bud all the way through and get a great buzz going anyway?
vape the bud all the way though.

my bud never looks burnt when it's finished. I guess I can take some pics later to show you what it should look lik ewhen it's done.
It's cool man, i know what it looks like finished, I was just wondering if some people found it to be more efficient to say only vape out of the bowl like one or two bags worth and then leave some potency in for cooking, or just vape it through to the end and then just use that to make the butter, but yeah I agree with you I'd prefer to just smoke it though too
Thanks for the link that will help a shit ton in the future, what was strange about these firecrackers is that they tasted a shit ton better then some I made with fresh bud a few months back, I think its mainly because this vaped bud was lemon haze, and the other shit was some nasty mids, that was before I found out what good bud was haha

Oh and do you all recommend to try to not vape the bud all the way through and leave some color so I can cook with it later, or should I basically just vape the bud all the way through and get a great buzz going anyway?

The vaped bud I used was off a volcano, I ran it through like 3 times, shaking it up after each vape.

I wait until the vapor starts getting a little dry, I COULD vape it again at 392F to get a slight buzz the next day, but I just toss it in the jar to save it.. Know what I mean?
Yeah thats basically how far I smoke mine through as well, my dealer has a volcano and I match with him every time I buy, and we do the same thing 3 bowls then he just tosses but I'll start to save mine up for sure and be looking at some brownies in a month or two, thanks again
Yeah thats basically how far I smoke mine through as well, my dealer has a volcano and I match with him every time I buy, and we do the same thing 3 bowls then he just tosses but I'll start to save mine up for sure and be looking at some brownies in a month or two, thanks again

I just keep a mason jar and dump the vaped herb in there... Tell him to save it as well!