Fire OG, Sour K, GDP, outdoor. 2nd grow.


Well-Known Member
Before my mother plant flowered,
we took 8 clones of her, all rooted and were doing splendid!!!..
until my friends mom found them and chopped them to bits :'(

so after some compensation,
all 8 were replaced, plus 2!
one of which is a Blue Dream, being grown indoor, in a Phototron 2;
which can be followed here:

the clones are,
3 Sour Kush
2 Fire OG.

1 GDP, and 1 Sour K were placed in a Garden Bloom: Eden Blend/ Fox Farm: Ocean Blend soil mix.
the rest of the pots are composed of GB, FF, and native soil for filler. (which has shit drainage btw; native soil really fucked it up)

watering with hardwater with a ph of around 7.

starting this journal pretty late,
but better late than never!
all the plants have started to flower.
mighty ahead of schedule :/
i think its because the plants are only getting light from around 9am-4pm

heres some pics a day or so after planting
IMAG0439.jpgIMAG0440.jpgIMAG0445.jpgplants are NOT broken up by strain. so i cant tell you which ones are which in the pics.

and here are some pics a couple weeks later. maybe a month.
if you notice, all the plants look a little bare.... :'(
something is eating them..i think its squirrels, but it could be racoons!
cayenne pepper has kinda been working but every other day i come to find more foliage gone, and perhaps a hole dug in a pot or two.
the last pictured plant was completely striped clean, nothing but a couple nodes.. :'/

whatever is eating them hasnt really touched my flowering mother..just a couple of the low hanging bottom water leaves that dont matter anyways or are going deficient.
any ideas?

tips and info appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
here is the furthest along plant, a Fire OG, about 2 weeks and a full set of pistils ahead of all the others.. mmm


Active Member
Can you put some hog panel around your plant,, That will hinder the Deer, but rabbets and squirrels like Weed.. There hard to stop.. Those are some nice plants, Try the Panel if you can.. I'm looking for some Fire OG any suggestions..


Well-Known Member
i dont think deer are the issue here..though i do live in the mountains, its a pretty busy area, and the dear stay hidden in the woods.
the cayenne pepper seems to be keeping them at bay, though everytime i foliar spray, i kill a spray bottle. do they make ones fit for mixes?

i got mine from a delivery service in my town haha..


Well-Known Member
sorry for the drop off.
came up to my crop one morning, 3 weeks from harvest,
to find every single limb cut down to the stalk, inlcuding the now flowering mother which was my first plant :(
found a couple nugs they left laying around that i got to sample, but none of the mother that i wanted the most.


Well-Known Member
taken. clean cuts, they left clippers, and tons of footprints all over.

was my first grow seeing as how my first plant, which we had taken the original cuttings from, wasnt even finished flowering yet.
but it probly was my fault, planting in my backyard when a new house was being constructed on the hillside behind, in direct view, and direct smell.

atleast i got the complete experience. my next two harvests came out fantastic, and im working on a third, this time going hydro.(: