finish my bluestreak (autoflower) outside

i have had 3 bluestreak girls growing in my basement and they are starting to smell a bit. They are about 7 weeks old with about 2 weeks to go. they have been under 24/0 since birth.

Can I move them to my backyard which will be about 14/10 at this point in Canada where I am, or would this throw my finished product in hermie. I would think they are far enough down the road to finishing that hermie is not an option for the plant at this time.?

Im also thinking that the 20/0 has been forcing these autos to work their ass off photosynthesizing and they might benefit and finish off quickly outside now.?


Active Member
I would cover up the smell and ride it out for two more weeks. In my experience with autos they don't like much change. Any time I have changed anything it seems as though they just stop for a couple of days to take a breather, and when their entire life is only 8 to 9 weeks a few days of not growing can effect your yield.