Finding the right conditions...what would you do?


New Member
Greetings to all..
I am in the process of setting up a closet. This is my first grow and my first task was to determine what I would get for temperature and humidity with my set up.
My closet is 4'x5' with 7' ceilings. I am running a 1000w dimmable ballast system with a 6" air cooled hood. I have a 6" inline fan with 400CFM exhausting into the attic. Here's my first problem. Running the light at 1000w with the inline fan at full speed, I get a temp. of 80-82. When I dim the ballast to 75% the temp. drops to 76-78. Would you go with the full 1000w with temps near 82 or drop it to 75% and have temps around 77?
I've run experiments trying to reduce the heat further, this is the best I can do. The readings are about 18" below the glass of the light.
I'm also a bit concerned about my humidity. I have it around 33%, hoping this is not too low.
Any input would be appreciated.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
don't get over worried about humidity....33% is in the ballpark, you could try to raise it a bit, but not overly important.

BTW...welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
Temps are fine around 82. I start getting concerned when I break 85.

As far as humidity goes, it may help when you have plants with damp soil in the box as well. That will help raise the humidity some and even if it doesn't I wouldnt worry much about it. Low humidity is much much much better than high humidity.


New Member
Temps are fine around 82. I start getting concerned when I break 85.

As far as humidity goes, it may help when you have plants with damp soil in the box as well. That will help raise the humidity some and even if it doesn't I wouldnt worry much about it. Low humidity is much much much better than high humidity.
Thanks all for the advice. I was thinking the same thing about the plants and moisture providing some extra humidity. I really want to go the 1000w route and your input makes me feel much better about it. I'm looking forward to using RIU as a resource for growing. So far, so good!