finally my first post


Active Member
Hello RIU! ive been stalking the forums here for years and finally decided to make myself known. jus wanted to get a couple opinions from some growers with exp. im planning my first grow (finally) and im pretty optimistic. ive done ALOT of research and im sure with plenty of trial and error (hopefully more trial less error) i can be successful. ive already ordered seeds from attitude and expecting them within a few days. i decided to go with auto sweet tooth from barneys farms. i chose auto because im limited on space and jus wanted to know how people felt auto strains, some suggestions on seed companies with good genetics (im not worried about seed banks, ive heard the good the bad and the ugly on alot of them and decided that attitude had enough good to take my money, i guess i will find out when the seeds get here) and if you guys had any good tips/tricks i wouldnt find in general growing guides. i look forward from hearing from you all so please dont be as shy as i have been for so long lol
Well hello, I'm surprised that nobody else has said anything because it says over 150 have viewed this thread. I don't personally have an opinion on autos because I have never grown them but I'm sure others who have will. I know there are some totally killer strains out there, and I am a fan of Barneys so good choice on going with them. Just spend as much time as you can trying to soak up information on the forums, but one thing to keep in mind is that A LOT of people have no idea what they're talking about, so be careful about who you listen to. Other than that check out the stickies, blaze up, and enjoy.

Holy nickname! I'm not even gonna try and figure out what all them numbers and letters mean. I joined here a month or so ago under the same conditions and my first post went days before anyone posted a reply. I was a little taken back by it, but now after spending some time here I can understand why. There is so much turn over it's unreal. Posts get moved along so fast that it's hard to catch them all. That being said, welcome aboard brother! As far as your choice in seeds, definately nothing that I would ever grow but I don't have many limitations. The whole auto scene is an interesting one and honestly there isn't as much raw data on them as there is regular strains. Barneys Farm started out with a bang and started placing in cups right out of the gate. Within a couple of years there genetics had gone down hill and their hermie rate on a lot of their fem seeds went thru the roof. I know a ton of solid growers that will never use Barneys genetics again, I've also got a few friends that only use his seed stock. I guess it's like a chevy, Ford, Dodge thing when you think about it. I wish you luck with your grow and your future as a cannabis cultivator! There is lots of good info on here, but like smokebros said, there is A LOT of misinformation thrown around here. Take it all in, learn who's reliable and then make your decisions based on reptuable members experience and advice. Never listen to me, I repeat never listen to me... Of course I wouldn't listen to that either...

Stay Medicated,
West Coast Cultivation
When I started growing autos, the best advice I got was from users in the 'Auto-Flowering Strains' area. The General Marijuana Growing area is in my opinion for people new to growing. It's like one step up from the Newbie Central area.

Anyway, getting back on topic. Autos are good for people who want to grow indoors in a small space like a closet or hut. They are extremely light feeders and perfect for growing using classical gardening methods. Hydro is a little over kill IMO, unless your after extreme water and nutrient conservation or just feel like being a closet scientist. The biggest plus for autos is the fact you can go from seed to harvest in about three months, anytime of the year. However, that speed comes with a serious trade off, which is a really small low yielding plant. I don't recall ever seeing an auto top two feet.

If your growing legally and you can do so outside, autos aren't worth the time or energy. One plant can easily yield as much as twelve autos with very little effort or fertilizer.

Potency wise they are usually pretty darn close to regulars and hybrids, but not always. I've seen more then a few threads were people complained their autos were weak. Usually it's just a bad pheno and not the strain as a whole. Although just as a precaution, its good to have several growing at a time.
thanks for all the feed back guys! i feel like im gonna fit right in around here. as soon as i get some showable progress i will post pics!