Finally HERE!!!


Hi heres link to few days back

Well i am into flower, few days in, this is my second grow ever, and one year ago i did not know what hps bulb is, and hydroponics was same as rocket science, first grow was a good training field, i chose my path as SCROG, because i somewhat imagined that if i can manage to grow and train a plant well, it will always beat SOG or whatever the else method out there in means of yield for given space.


2 square meters
2 600w hps
cool hoods
6inch and 4inch rvk
cheap humidifier, crucial for veg period
part dripper part oxygen feed
oxy from airstone
some root mass fills reservoir as well

Feed is canna coco with added big bud, for you know bigger buds @D

started like this ...

Its a lame pic, i know, just made in paint, anyways, number one from drawing is chemdog clone ready for transplant, i transplanted in for 2 days and then bent it over like shown in a drawing, applied screen and then gently took care of it spreading branches over 20 days veg and now few days in flower, i think 4 days, not sure, hard to be sure when sooo stoned @D

To any one who recently starting and sharing my mindset of GROW TREES IN SCREENS, I have to stress how important bending is, I see many videos and setups where people have screens high and plants just growing though them straight, which beats the purpose of scrog, I simply cut of the top, also shown in the pathetic drawing, then bent them, place under screen, at first screen was right on it to hold bent over plant in place, almost touching ground, then as it grew, i rise screen abit and again a bit if i baby needs it, which is also good idea to use cheap plastic suspenders against corners of room so you can easly manipulate your screen netting, in my case you can see in video* ok i cant upload video here, more pics coming SOON


Bottom line, growing like this is super easy