finally flowering


Active Member
whats up everyone. my 5 plants are down to 2. 2 boys had to get cut... one i forgot to change into my box when i left for a week, and came back to a boy about 6" taller in the back of a closet. so these are how they're looking... any advice? i had to move them from a 400wt hps to 110wt t5s and 120wt cfls because i couldn't get to them and my mother had to come to my house and water them for me... anyway. the bigger one is only 2 weeks into flowering (1 real week) and the other ones birthday was 4/8(day i started germination)... the younger one looks a helluva lot fatter(leaf-wise) than the other one... any advice on encourage some more growth from them??

thanks! (hopefully you can tell what plant is what in the pics - the younger has hairs but no real buds yet)

