Final dark period


Active Member
Anyone have opinions on giving the ladies a final dark period before harvest? I gave em 36 hours of dark before flower, thinking of giving them another 36 before harvest.

Any Ideas? Ive heard of people who swear by it, but are the benefits worth it?


Well-Known Member
Ive done around 48 hours of dark prior to harvest a few times. Im not going to swear by it though. For me results seem about the same as when they get only 10-12 hours of dark prior to harvest.


Active Member
I do 36 before harvest. I think you get a cleaner/ smoother smoke but as far as potency... I really cant say. I figure what is the harm? Sometimes it can be troublesome to do if you have 1 sativa and one indica but even then i just throw 3 girls in a closet and trim em 3 at a time.


Active Member
do you still water in the dark period? I would assume the plant wouldn't need as much water with no light... any benefits though?


Well-Known Member
plants make energy with light and use it in the dark... putting ur plant in 36hr-72hr darkness b4 harvest forces ur plant to use all the energy within it... dont water b4 u harvest


Well-Known Member
36 hours of darkness before harvest has absolutely NO measureable effect. That's nothing more than an old hippie myth! If you've followed good growing practices there is no need to attempt tricks --- If you haven't, then no last-minute action is going to make things any better. That's like the forum BS about harvesting before light, which supposedly will increase your potency and the amount of trichomes. I mean come on folks, think about it. Trichomes take WEEKS to develop and fill with resin! That shit doesn't just happen overnight! And light won't degrade your plants THC any appreciable amount in only 12 hours, so harvest whenever the time is right for YOU, because the plant doesn't care about the time of day!. This seems to be one of the most common myths I see on the various MJ boards. You can't correct months of poor growing in 36 hours, nor can you appreciably enhance the results of months of proper growing in 36 hours.

It's all BS.


Well-Known Member
36 hours of darkness before harvest has absolutely NO measureable effect. That's nothing more than an old hippie myth! If you've followed good growing practices there is no need to attempt tricks --- If you haven't, then no last-minute action is going to make things any better. That's like the forum BS about harvesting before light, which supposedly will increase your potency and the amount of trichomes. I mean come on folks, think about it. Trichomes take WEEKS to develop and fill with resin! That shit doesn't just happen overnight! And light won't degrade your plants THC any appreciable amount in only 12 hours, so harvest whenever the time is right for YOU, because the plant doesn't care about the time of day!. This seems to be one of the most common myths I see on the various MJ boards. You can't correct months of poor growing in 36 hours, nor can you appreciably enhance the results of months of proper growing in 36 hours.

It's all BS.
Actually it was proven to be correct on some strains, look through bricktops posts till you see the study he found from a reputable instutution in europe. did you know light degrades thc?


Well-Known Member
I agree that it is worthless. I have done 36 hours of dark right before harvest quite a few times, and I don't think there is any noticeable difference. I say just keep it simple, this step is not neccessary.


Well-Known Member
Actually it was proven to be correct on some strains, look through bricktops posts till you see the study he found from a reputable instutution in europe. did you know light degrades thc?
I asked him for a link to that study and he didn't respond. I, based on actual experience, know this does nothing for every strain I've ever tried it with.
48 hours of dark will help your plants. you will probably never be able to tell without lab testing, but when thc is exposed to extra dark period there is more thc fluid runing threw the crystals more so then in the day. during the day the fluid is hardly flowing but during the night or in early morning it is at peak. im not sure if i said all the right words for the concept but it should explain it a little better. and excess light during the final part of flowering will degrade the thc by converting some thc into extra cannabanoids, its not always a bad thing though.


Active Member
It may produce more potency, but its a negligible amount. It doesn't really make a difference if you ask me.


Active Member
I read the study posted by brick top as well. Maby it works.. maby not but i do it just to be sure. What is the harm? I am just not the minimalist grower type. There are alot of things that will not make or break your harvest but doing them will improve slight amounts. Basically i am saying shoot for the moon...even if you miss you will be among the stars!


Active Member
Once a detractor, I did it for grins on a final harvest of the most bottom flotsam buds on the last grow after the main harvest of big buds. I put the remaining plants under 72hrs and 144hrs of darkness. It really does work -72 or 144 hrs were of no observable difference. I noticed the little nugget buds packed considerable weight, more frostier and the calyxes were more engorged than that of the main harvest colas. This method isn't BS after all. I've been growing bagseed, so I have no opinion on strain specifics. I will be incorporating this method into my growing technique from now on -visit here in a few weeks